Nowadays, texting is the main mode of communication. Funny enough, it has been so rampant that when you receive a call, you think there must be an emergency. This has even taken root in today’s relationships. But even so, whether in text or in person, asking the right questions can open the gates for a deep and profound connection.
The deep questions you can ask a guy can be of varied subjects. For example, you can ask about their definition of a perfect day, their worst habit, their say on religion, the closest people in their life, and so on. Asking the right questions is vital, as texting is not the appropriate forum for serious emotional conversations.
What are the deep questions you can ask a guy over text?
Texting is not the right platform to get one’s entire life story, but there is still a lot that you can learn about the other party via text.
This is only possible when you ask the right questions. The questions should be a little more creative than usual.
Moreover, the questions should not be the ones that require lengthy and detailed explanations as they could be a nuisance to the guy. Here are examples of the best deep questions you can ask a guy via text.
What does your perfect day look like?
This is not only a great question but also an intelligent way of getting to know the things and activities they enjoy, and then you can decide whether you’d like to try them as well. Their likes could be as varied as scaling Kilimanjaro to enjoying cocktails on a private beach.
Have you ever accidentally sent an embarrassing text?
Allowing the guy to share his embarrassing moments freely is a great way to build a connection and get a good laugh (be sure to share your too).
Often, if the guy likes you, he will refrain from the very embarrassing moments or ones that present him in a negative light. You may find this out later in the relationship if it ever gets to that.
What is your worst habit?
This is not your ordinary question. But don’t you think it will be better to know their worst habits as soon as possible?
What is your mantra?
We all have a mantra- a quote, a saying, or song lyric. Find out what speaks to his heart, motivating him and inspiring him to keep going in life.
Get to know what helps him go through the toughest of life’s situations. He could be encouraging you in the process.
What is something you have done that you are most proud of?
Now, who does not enjoy a good ‘humble’ brag? And to men, in particular, that is a pat on their ego. It is a win-win situation since you will be able to learn something nice about the guy.
You will also get a glance at their values and what is important to them. Talking about things that give you a sense of pride can be an exciting topic. Here, the answers could also be very varied.
What is the greatest song of all time?
One’s favorite music genre could reveal much about them. You can learn a lot from this fun and light-hearted question.
For some, it could be a cocktail of different genres, while others are die-hard fans of a single music type. If you share the same tastes, your connection is likely to grow.
What is something that scares you, but you would still like to do it?
This also makes a good question and information that you should keep in mind should the connection grow stronger. It could be anything from bungee jumping to falling in love. You never know!
What is the funniest random call/text you have ever received?
They may or may not have an answer for this. But if they do, prepare yourself for some good laugh.
How religious are you, and what do you believe?
People have different opinions on religion. And speaking of deep questions to ask a guy, this one just got deeper. It could be a sensitive topic for some, but worth a try.
One’s religion dictates how they live their lives. Some people attend mass even thrice a week, among other things. Their say on religion will help you know how it will affect you.
It would be best if you were on the same page on matters of religion. You may even subscribe to the same religion, and the conversation will be a bonding one.
What is your favorite date spot?
This is an excellent question to gauge how romantic he is. Go on to ask about his ideal date and see what he says.
Who are you closest to in your life?
For most guys, opening up with you the closest people he has in his life is a big deal. It’ll be a nice thing for them to talk about their very close friends or family. This information is important so you can give these people due regard.
Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
This is very easy to answer, and that says a lot about someone. You will be able to understand why he is the way he is.
What do you miss most about being a kid?
If you are comfortable with the guy, this is a good question. It will involve a little more sharing without you passing as being invasive. More often than not, it leads to an exciting conversation.
What are your top three goals in life?
Asking them about their goals will give you a chance to peek into their potential future. You will also understand what it takes to achieve their goals and dreams and if they are realistic. Or if they are just a dreamer with impossible plans.
Are women equal to men?
Also, a sensitive question, only this time it could affect you more than it affects them, based on their answers.
If they bring up the biological differences that make these genders unequal, it could mean that they have thought about the subject before in-depth.
These deeply held beliefs could vary with yours. Whatever the case, you get to decide if you can live with their answer.
What’s something most people agree on that you disagree with?
There is always something that most people agree on, but you disagree on. Asking him this question can also help you decide whether you disagree or agree with him.
It is a fun conversation you can have over text as the answers can be as simple as an overstated movie to the more serious issues such as the whole idea of marriage.
Are you more modern or traditional?
This question is essential as you will get to know more about their values. This is particularly important if you plan on getting into a relationship with the guy. Suppose their values are in line with yours, the better.
For instance, they could believe in strict adherence to gender roles when you don’t. You will know what to do with that piece of information. It could be enough to let you stay away or not.
If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be?
Find out his favorite places and tourist destinations on his bucket list. Also, get to know what he’d do once there and why he choose the location over any other.
You can then decide whether you too can tag along. Anybody’s sense of adventure is a fun subject worth discussing. It shouldn’t be that hard over text.
What do you want in a relationship?
The question is also essential if you are eyeing a relationship with him. Getting to know their expectations and their vision of an ideal relationship is crucial as it will help you see if you are compatible.
Get to know what they expect from a partner and what role their partners should fill in their life. Let them explore what they will find fulfilling in a relationship and what will be unsatisfying. If they all sound anything close to you, you can consider pushing forward.
How do you feel about me?
If you have been friends with the guy in question for a while or start developing feelings for them, you need to know how they feel about you. The sooner, the better for both your sakes. This is a deep question as it touches on the emotional part.
These questions are a great way to kickstart a conversation with a guy in case of a conversation lull. They touch on different topics to allow you to get a real insight on who they are, beyond what they let other people see.
Arguably, some of the questions above are hard to ask, especially face to face. That’s why texting is better and easier. You get to enjoy the sense of comfort and safety from being behind a screen that makes you bold. Also, often, when someone writes out a reply, it is more well-thought-out.
If small talk is your nemesis, this is the article for you. You can dive into these deep questions the next time you are talking to a guy over text so you can know them better. They are handy if you are thinking of a romantic relationship with a guy or simply trying to know a friend better.
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