A new home is often a great source of joy and excitement but can also be a source of anxiety. Many people find owning their place for the first time overwhelming and are anxious about making mistakes like forgetting a step in painting or leaving out an important detail in setting up their new home.
In some cultures, giving a good luck gift to someone embarking on a new venture is traditional. In Western culture, such a tradition is less widely practiced. Still, there are some good luck gifts that can be given to someone who is moving into a new home that will help guarantee their success.
Here are 25 good luck gifts for a new home
1. A set of picture frames
The phrase “a picture is worth a thousand words” is often attributed to Thomas Bowrey, a Welsh poet. However, he may have been referring to art in general. There is no question that artwork has the power to impact visually and emotionally on people.
A photograph can capture a moment as it happens or can be created by an artist.
A framed photo with the name of your friend or family member on the frame would be a thoughtful gift for someone moving into their first home because it would symbolize their new status as an independent individual who owns their property.
2. First aid kit
When you move into a new home for the first time, all sorts of maintenance jobs and chores will need to be taken care of. Chances are good that there will be accidents and other mishaps as your friend or family member gets used to their new surroundings.
A small first aid kit could come in handy when someone has an accident or even just a slight injury like a cut from something sharp or a papercut from moving boxes. Even first aid kits are designed for pets, which can be very useful when someone’s pet is injured.
3. Binoculars
One thing that comes with a new home is the ability to see the world from an entirely new perspective. Binoculars can be used to view things on a larger scale or else can be used to see tiny details up close.
A pair of binoculars will allow your friend or family member to enjoy the landscape of their new home and also give them a chance to spot wildlife in their backyard.
4. Lawnmower
When you become the homeowner of a new home, it doesn’t take long before you notice that there are certain responsibilities you have to keep your beautiful property nice and neat.
A lawn mower can be a great addition to your friend’s or family’s home. It can be used to cut the grass when there is a lot of it and keep the grass between the cracks in the sidewalk and sidewalk curbs trimmed.
5. Personalized picture frames
People often spend a lot of time looking at artwork in public places like museums or galleries or their own homes. Personalized picture frames will remind your friend or family member how special they are and motivate them to start creating their original artworks and sculptures.
6. Inflatable furniture
When it comes to new home ownership, there is often a lot of excitement, but not so much excitement as anxiety. Having something that can make you feel more comfortable and secure with your new home will be a great addition to your friend or family member’s life.
7. Gift certificates
A gift certificate for a massage, a wellness visit at the spa, or any other sort of service can be very useful in helping your friend or family member relax and feel better after a long day at work.
8. A tree planter
A tree planter is a great gadget that allows you to plant seeds indoors without using soil or compost as soil substitutes. This is very convenient for those living in apartments or condominiums or with limited space.
9. A gift basket
A gift basket filled with some of your friend’s or family member’s favorite foods and treats will be a great gift for someone preparing to move into their first home. It will help welcome them to their new home and give them a taste of things to come as they learn how to become a good cook in their new place.
10. A book on natural remedies
A book on herbs, nature, and health can be very useful when someone is moving into a new home and wants to take charge of their health and well-being.
11. A piece of furniture
The last thing people often buy to get it shipped to their new home is furniture. Many great pieces can be shipped, either by themselves or in a package together with other furniture and accessories.
12. Electronics
If you have a friend or family member who needs something for their home entertainment, computers, home theatres, or mobile devices like televisions and DVD players would make great gifts.
13. A collection of DVD movies
A DVD movie collection can be an excellent gift for people moving into a new home for the first time. They will help fill in the gaps in someone’s knowledge about key topics that affect life today, such as finance and cooking.
14. A blender
A blender is one of those appliances that can be used at any time of day to mix up delicious drinks and smoothies to help keep your friend or family member healthy while living on their own in a new home.
15. Cookbooks
There are all kinds of cookbooks out there, and everyone has their favorite type of recipe. Of course, you can’t send a book with recipes that aren’t suited to the cuisine your friend or family member likes to eat. It is better to get a sticker that says “Property of…” and write your name on it so they can write in the recipes from their favorite cookbook.
16. A wine rack
Whenever people move into a new home, they like to throw parties with neighbors and friends to introduce themselves and their place to others. A wine rack will allow your friend to show off the contents of their wine cellar.
17. A decorative vase
A decorative vase can be used for decoration but also can hold flowers and other greenery to make the house look more homey and welcoming. Some larger decorative vases even have spaces for candles, pictures, or objects that your friend would like to display in their home.
18. Candles
Candles are a great gift because they are useful, easy to ship and make everybody feel good when they’re in use. Some scented candles have even been known to help people fall asleep at night.
19. A set of kitchen knives
Whether your friend or family member likes to cook, a set of kitchen knives is a great thing to have in any kitchen. Certain kinds of knives are specifically made for specific cooking, but the base essentials are all the same – a good cutting board and good quality knives.
20. A cutting board
If you live in an apartment, condo, or condominium and don’t feel like you have the space for a full-sized cutting board to chop up vegetables and other things with a knife, then consider getting your friend or family member a smaller countertop cutting board instead.
21. A measuring cup and spoon set
People like to measure out things when they are cooking, but sometimes it takes effort to find the right measuring spoons or cups when you’re in a hurry. A set of measuring cups and utensils will be a great addition to your friend’s or family’s kitchen.
22. Crockery
Flatware is also something that people tend to buy new for their new kitchen, but what about their old dishes? What about all their old words that have been inherited from their parents? It would be a wonderful gesture to get your friend or family member some crockery and cutlery to use while they wait for more permanent pieces to arrive from the store.
23. A small refrigerator
The fridge is the last thing people think about when they move into a new home. They only think about it after it is too late, and they would have to go out and spend huge amounts of money on a brand-new fridge or even use their kitchen as a storage room. Getting them a small refrigerator can be very nice.
24. A good set of pots and pans
If you want to give your friend an excellent gift they will appreciate, consider getting them some pots and pans so they can start cooking right away in their new home.
25. A toaster
Everyone has a toaster in their kitchen and uses it at least once daily when they make breakfast. If you help your friend or family member get something like this out of the way, they will be able to focus on other things. You can even get special toasters that look good in kitchens and match the style of their other appliances.
So there you have it! Twenty-five gift ideas for helping your friend or family member to settle into their new house. Whether they have just moved in or are moving house, these gifts will make them feel welcome and help them get some of the initial clutter out of their lives so that they can relax and enjoy their new home.
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