Aries men crave being number one. If they don’t feel like you are making them the top priority, they may retreat and need to calm down before moving on with the relationship. A lot of this is because they are the first sign in the zodiac and instinctively feel that they are the ones who really matter, and you need to put their needs above your own.
When an Aries man falls in love, he will let you know every part of himself. If you are his, he will make you feel like a queen and offer you the world. Additionally, he will shower you with so much romance you’ll no doubt feel like you fall in love with him all over again every day. Yet, if he feels like you are retreating or growing tired of him, he may start to become distant. Additionally, he may not always understand why you want so much time with him even though he’s gotten you to crave it. After all, he is a free spirit and craves independence as much as he desires love.
Aries craves adventure in life, and sometimes that can be to his detriment. After all, he will take on too much. At times he will also seem overly confident, which may end up a turn-off. This can lead to him retreating and you wondering what you did wrong. It’s the Aries way, they love passionately, but when things become too much, they may need some time to cool down the flames of their own soul. While you are equally important in the relationship, you may want to know when and if they will come back and how long it takes for an Aries man to come back. The first thing to look at is what an Aries man is really like.
Aries Man
Aries is a fire sign, so if you are a water sign, they may overpower you. Moreover, if you are an air sign, you may fan their ego and nature with some of your flightiness. However, there are some things you will definitely need to pay attention to.
• Aries are more confident in situations than other zodiac signs.
• They will always take the lead and expect you to follow.
• Even though Rams head straight for challenges, sometimes this get-up-and-go attitude will cause them to crash since they are sometimes too impulsive for their own good.
Let’s face it, sometimes Aries can be extremely self-centered. They want things just so, and if something throws them off, they are likely to rebel in ways others may find irritating. Yet, beyond these things, they have many qualities that will keep you y their side.
• They are always willing to help someone.
• When they work on something, they give it their all and many times don’t want recognition.
Yet, even with all of these things, sometimes they miss the bigger picture and overwhelm themselves with too much and need to cool down the flames that they’ve created around them which is when they will find somewhere to go until they feel recharged enough to move on and proceed with life.
In a relationship
Early on, you’ll begin to notice that even though Aries is a fire sign, they can be equally hot and cold. They will be on top of the world one day, and the next, they may act like everything in life is ending. If this happens, there are several things to do.
• As much as you can, take charge of the situation. Don’t try to match Aries fire, especially if you are a fire sign yourself. Instead, let him know where you stand and try to help him not retreat.
• If you begin to take charge of the situation and find him retreating further away. Don’t be afraid to change tactics and work towards soothing his feelings.
Sometimes, Aries just need someone else to let them know how much they are valued. Instead of getting to the root of the issue, remind them of all their admirable qualities. He’s probably upset because he took on too much and feels like a failure. Even though each of the other eleven zodiac signs would feel like they accomplished a lot.
Walking away
One of the things that Aries man can’t stand is feeling like something is getting in their way. They want so much in life that they will leave if they feel stifled or do not fully support their dreams. When this happens, it may not be forever. They just need time to reassess their priorities and realize that much of what they feel is only in their head. If they put up walls and demand space, it’s best not to chase after them. Instead, try to channel some of Scorpio’s traits.
• Look at ways to become more independent. It’s better to get busy with your own life so you won’t waste time worrying that you’ve done something to hurt them next time this happens.
• It may be good to pamper yourself. After all, one of the most beautiful things about Aries is that they take over a room. The trick is to remember that you are equally as powerful. Even if it’s just painting your nails while watching a trashy reality show, do something that makes you feel fantastic.
Tell him
Aries are so firey they sometimes miss everything around them. Instead of trying subtle tactics and expecting them to get it, it is typically best to swallow your pride and tell them that you want him to return. Even if it doesn’t work, you will have shown enough initiative; it may convince him that you arent’ going to stifle his flames and the time waiting will be much shorter. Yet, this must be done with subtlety, and if they don’t get it on the first call, eighty will push him further away.
• Aries men need space. It doesn’t necessarily mean you need to hold your breath and worry that they will walk if you talk too much. Yet, don’t expect him to give you every minute of your time.
• Sometimes they need a woman to be more of a friend than someone who constantly puts her needs first and expects an influx of emotions at the drop of a hat.
• Never throw a fit. Feminine wiles won’t work here. Yes, Aries has an emotional side, but hysterics will not make him want to bring it out.
• Don’t entirely let him off the hook. Make sure he knows how you feel, so hopefully, you can avoid things like this in the future. You both may need time to cool down, so don’t let his fieriness overtake your own feelings.
If you’ve told him how you feel, the best thing to do is leave the ball in his court. Don’t pepper him with questions and expect him to answer them and knock on the door several minutes later. He will need time, maybe more than you would like to give.
Let’s take another look at the Aries man. Even though he’s firey and hot-tempered, this can work well when you want him to come back and stop playing with your heart. After all, the impulsiveness and passion he has in life will translate to the relationship. You already know he makes up his mind about things quickly. So if he sees that he was too rash in his decision, he will immediately change courses. Aries men are active, and even though they don’t like admitting their mistakes will quickly change their minds, so perhaps you won’t notice the misstep.
More than likely, if an Aries man has a momentary lapse of reason and leaves, he will come back if he realizes he was wrong almost immediately. He doesn’t like to waste time, so if his heart is still with you, he will waste time and should return shortly. Since he’s a fire sign and not a water sign, he won’t feel the need to stay in his emotions and consider all the different possibilities and outcomes.
Final words
All of this fire may make it seem like an Aries man is too firey to forgive. Yet, it’s this fire that may cause him to make snap decisions he will later regret. It’s also why he won’t waste time thinking about it because as quickly as the fire dies, it takes very little for him to find it again. He is stubborn and wants things his own way. Unfortunately, sometimes he doesn’t understand his own way and needs a minute to reassess. Just be cautious not to try to control the situation too much. Never point out his faults. Aries men too often think it’s their way or no way. Funny enough, it can be their own rash temper that led them down the wrong path when this happens. So, if you remain calm and don’t fan his flames, he’ll be back before you knew he was gone. But warned, the passion didn’t go away, nor did his innate nature. It’s just that he has found a better outlet for how he lives his life.
What do you think?