Are you suspecting that your cancer man is playing you? You maybe feel that he is lying or acting sneaky while at the same time trying to make everything seem ok.
Such kind of suspicion can drive you crazy. He may have started warm and tender, and now, he is plain distant and cold. Not all men are enthusiastic about relationships.
However, cancer men are not afraid of settling down. This makes them irresistible. They are considered the best relationship material in the zodiac.
If you think his love for you has shifted, we got you, girl! Please read on and see how this guide explains all the signs that your cancer man might be playing you.
Traits of a Cancer Man
A cancer man’s personality can be quite confusing. They are nurturing, loving, and considerate, and when he falls in love he cares deeply. However, just like their crab sign, they have a hard shell protecting them from when they feel vulnerable or attacked.
They are also very in touch with their emotions and can face many emotional issues most men can’t. When you get to know the person under that hard shell, you find that they are quite sentimental, sensitive and they get hurt easily.
They hardly come back from being hurt giving you no more chances. Now let’s dive in and see how this almost perfect lover could show that he is playing you.
12 Major Signs on How to Know a Cancer Man is Playing you
He shows you no PDA
Some men are very proud of their relationships. This does not leave out the cancer man; he is never shy about PDA. He is always willing to show the world physical evidence that you are his girl and he loves you.
Just as he loves you in private, he never cares what others think in public. Therefore, if he doesn’t try to kiss you in public, hold your hand or hold you close, it might be s sign he is playing you.
It also could be a sign that he is not interested in taking the relationship further or that he is keeping his options open.
He flirts with other women
Because cancer men are highly emotional, they can’t avoid being extra nice around people they know. Flirting with other women on the other hand shows that there is something wrong with your relationship.
Keep your eyes open and see if he is just the nice cancer man or is going the extra mile and flirting with other women. That is a big sign of disrespect and he could be playing you. try taking about how such behavior upsets you.
If he loves you and is willing to stick around, your cancer man will try his best to change that behavior.
He never lets you meet his family or friends
A cancer man is known to keep his circle tight. It’s mostly made up of some close friends and family and takes a step to make sure they are acquitted. Letting you meet his family or friends is a sign that he wants a lasting relationship.
Cancer men who play women often hide it even from their friends because they like maintaining that good guy image and they wouldn’t want a friend blabbing about the other woman around you.
He stops showing you his emotions
At the beginning of your relationship with a cancer man, may have been bubbly with emotions, and all of a sudden he decides to shut down. He starts acting moody and withdrawn towards you. This might be a sign he is playing you.
In most cases, cancer men are never afraid to open up or show their emotions to a woman they love and trust. They let you into their space and often talk when something is bothering them.
He is unreachable
An evasive partner can be very annoying. If your cancer man is not easily reachable or disappears on you after you have made plans could be a sign he is playing you. Given their intense nature, they always want to see you and will follow through with any plans you make together.
If he avoids answering your calls, texts or questions one on one, this is a red flag especially if he wasn’t like this in the beginning. However, all is not lost. You could try to talk to him and see if he will change his elusive behavior.
He is always checking his phone
When a cancer man loves you, he will try his best to give you full attention when together. If he is always checking his phone around you, it could mean he is not serious about what you two have.
If he concentrates on his phone more than on you, it could mean that he is not that into you or that there is someone else. Being an intense being, he will not want to waste any time when with you.
He never includes you when he talks about the future
One of the things everybody wants when they fall in love is a lifetime together. A cancer man loves sharing his dreams and plan, and when he loves you, he will make sure you are included.
When it is only you in the picture, you will hear him say statements like “my wife to be” or “the mother to my children”. This is because he is planning a future that includes you and he truly means it.
If you never hear him say such things, you are not the woman he wants to spend his life with. Though leaving him is hard, you would rather save yourself before you get hurt.
He never invites you over
Home is where the heart is for cancer men. It’s their most sacred and personal space. It is filled with memories and pieces that show the most intimate parts of their life. A cancer man will only invite those he holds dear or wish to keep in their life to their home.
However, don’t get confused because he might let you in his bedroom, but how much of his home does he let you see or interact with? A serious cancer man will let you more than just his bedroom. He will want you to see his bay photos and much more.
He avoids staying over at your place
This is a big sign that he is either playing you or is not serious with you. If a cancer man never stays over at yours, it could mean he is only using you for a casual relationship. Cancer men are sensitive people and staying over is one way to have more time and get closer to you.
It doesn’t matter if you have sex or not. If he is comfortable being in your place and sleeping on your bed, you can be sure you are the only woman in his mind.
He is nowhere to be found on social media
A man broadcasting his life on social media does not necessarily mean he is perfect. Most cancer men are private people and may be tempted to avoid that world. However, they value keeping in contact with those close to him.
If he loves you, he will want people to know, and acknowledging it on any social media platform is one way they do it. If he is playing you, he might hide his social media name. Dig deep and you may find that he has been showing off another woman as his main woman.
He purposely starts fighting over minor issues
Conflicts and disagreements are healthy for every relationship. However, too much drama especially over tiny things might end up hurting the relationship.
When a cancer man is cheating, he will resort to picking fights over issues that can easily be sought through and will blame you for it all. His main aim is to get into your head and make you feel small and inadequate.
This kind of behavior can have a negative impact on a person. If this happens with your cancer man and you are never in the wrong, run! Save yourself and don’t give him more time to make your life unhappy.
He becomes good at lying
A cancer man tends to lie when they are playing o cheating on you. This is unlike them because they hardly lie. Their sensitive nature makes them avoid hurting people they love through lying. If he loves you, he will avoid lying at any cost.
If you notice that your cancer man is hardly keeping his commitments or words, it may be a red flag. He could be using you or may not be the only one in the picture.
He becomes dominant
Cancer men fancy a relationship where they and their partners are equal. They have no dominant characteristics like Sagittarius and Leo men. Cancer men respect the woman they love and like to feel the same from that woman.
If your cancer guy starts being dominant it is a sign something has changed. It is a mind game he is playing on you as he tries to see if he can get rid of you. Dominant behavior makes the inferior party lose their identity.
Do not allow this to happen to you. Take off as soon as you notice it. Your identity is something precious and should be protected at all times.
The Bottom Line
Trying to know if your cancer man is cheating may not always be a good idea especially if you have no proof or are unsure. Communicating your fears to your cancer man is the easiest way to know.
Because of their nature, cancer men feel the chemistry with a woman from the first time they meat. However if he doesn’t feel it, he might resort to only using you.
These sigs could tell if indeed you are wasting your time with him. If he shows any of the, it is a good idea to talk about it. You should be your first priority every time. If you see these signs and if he makes no effort to change, stop and find happiness elsewhere.
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