One of the many characteristics that Virgo men are noted for is Honesty, so one would think that his intentions would be made clear by him personally. These men are smart, hardworking, and dependable, trustworthy, and gentle, while also being described as “a tough act to follow”.
Because of the gentle and caring side of a Virgo man, it may be a little bit more difficult to tell if he is trying to push you away or possibly end the relationship simply because he doesn’t want to hurt or upset you, which may put a damper on his otherwise Honest and truthful personality.
You must also keep in mind that Virgos are noted for pushing others away for fear of hurting them or disappointing them. A lot of times, a Virgo will push someone away accidentally while trying to prevent losing the relationship they have with a person.
Below are a few reasons that a Virgo man might be pulling away from you:
- Virgo men are noted for planning their future ahead of time, and they often do the same with relationships. So, when he tells you he has an interest in you, he may come on strong, and talk a lot about future plans that he has for the two of you, but then he may notice something about you that he is not exactly sure about or okay with. He may begin pulling away over this due to the fact that he is unsure that whatever it is he has noticed about you is something that he will be able to spend the rest of his life dealing with.
- A lot of times, a Virgo man is unsure of himself. He is unsure of exactly what he wants to do or where he wants to go in life, thus causing him to pull away from the relationship that he has started with you.
- It is possible that he simply isn’t read to settle down or commit to a long-term relationship. Virgo men are noted for flirting and dreaming about the possibilities of the future, but at the same time not wanting or not being ready to fully commit.
- Virgo men are noted for carrying a lot of baggage around from their lives, and when they are unsure of how to handle it, they may begin to pull away.
- He simply has a lot on his mind. Virgo men are noted for pulling away when they are overwhelmed by life.
Okay, so now that we have talked about some of the reasons that a Virgo man might pull away, lets talk about the signs that he is doing so, how to recognize them, and how you can handle it.
How to tell if a Virgo man is pushing you away:
- He becomes critical of you.
- He doesn’t show any type of emotion towards you.
- The sex life between the two of you (if there is one) has began to slow down on his end.
- He begins to analyze the relationship that he has with you.
- He begins to say rude or nasty things to you.
- He begins to be controlling over you.
- He is distant whenever he is with you.
- He wants to be more independent or do things without you.
Recognizing the signs:
While he may begin doing most of the things listed above slowly and subtly, most of them will be relatively easy to notice, especially if it is something that he does continuously, which it more than likely will be.
If he is someone that you have gotten to know well, then you will more than likely be able to feel the disconnect or difference even if he is being subtle about the way he begins to do these things.
How you can handle it:
If you are trying to save the relationship, your best bet is to sit him down one on one and talk to him as soon as you notice the change. Let him know how you feel about the things that he has been saying and doing, but also make sure that he knows that you care about his feelings. Ask him why he has been acting this way, and if there is something that he would like you to fix. (Note: No matter how much you love any man, he should not be given full control over your life.) Also keep in mind that it may not have anything to do with you or the relationship, so the best thing to do is to talk with him in order to determine if it’s the relationship he has a problem with or if its something else and he is just taking it out on you.
If the behavior continues or worsens after talking to him about it, then the odds are that he has already made up his mind, and you shouldn’t even bother wasting your time trying to fix whatever it is that is broken. Remember that it is not your fault. You have tried to talk things out, you have tried to fix things, and if he refuses to do the same on his end, then it is most likely because he no longer cares to have a relationship with you, and as much as it might hurt, you will probably have to let it go.
Give him time and space to think about not only the relationship, but what he wants in life.
Virgo men can be extremely complicated and difficult to understand. If you are intending on being in a relationship with a Virgo man, you really need to try to get to know him as a person first, so that if a time ever does come that he is trying to push you away, you will have a better understanding of why and how to handle it.
Just because your Virgo man is showing signs of pulling away does not necessarily mean that he is tired of you or the relationship he has with you, as I listed above in the introduction there are a lot of reasons that this could be happening. The important thing is for you to communicate with him so that you can identify what the true reasons are for his actions, and whether the relationship can be fixed.
Another important thing to remember is not to let it go too far. If you are experiencing any of the signs that I listed above in your relationship with a Virgo man, you need to speak up, politely but firmly, because none of those signs are acceptable in any relationship. That is common knowledge, so if he is in fact doing any of the things that I listed above, there is a chance that he is doing it purposely because he knows that it is not acceptable and he is trying to get you to leave him because he doesn’t want to be the one that actually ends the relationship even though he is clearly unhappy with it. So, basically, he is trying to see how much ignorance you will tolerate until you finally leave him, because then he gets to say “You are the one that broke up with me.” In reality, what he really means when he says “You are the one that broke up with me”, is “I’ve been hoping that you would break up with me”
Also keep in mind that if you do break up with your Virgo man and then try to get work things out at a later time, if he really was trying to get you to break up with him, he will more than likely remind you once again that you are the one that broke up with him, and then he will probably give some reason to the effect of “We are just not a good mix” or “I just need to be single for a while” as to why he is not interested in working things out or getting back together. That would be the gentle side kicking in again. He doesn’t want to hurt your feelings or upset you, but he has no intentions of getting back into a relationship with you either. He may also say something to the effect of “We can still be friends.” Which is either his way letting you down easy, or his way of keeping some connection between the two of you just in case he does change his mind later on down the road.
I hope that this article has helped you with how to tell if a Virgo man is pushing you away, and good luck!!
Please note that everything listed in this article is specifically related to Virgo men, but may also apply to other men as well, so just because your man happens not to be a Virgo, does not mean that some of these things may not occur in your relationship.
What do you think?