Love is beautiful especially when it ends up with marriage. However, what most don’t realize is that marriage is not the goal of love but the start of a new journey in love. It would be great waking up knowing that someone loves you the same till the day you die but that’s not the case. With nearly half of the marriages started out there ending up in a divorce, there is a need to seek any red flags that might help you avoid a sudden heartbreak. You need no online test to know whether your husband loves you still or not. Here are the top ten tips on how to know when your husband stops loving you.
#1- He Fights with You Always
Talking with Dr. Fletcher, a marriage counselor made me realize that fighting in a relationship is quite normal. As he quoted, “Marriage is just a rollercoaster! This minute you are good, the next you are fighting. The cause- personal differences!” And true to the word, every quarrel in a relationship narrows down to the differences in our perceptions and beliefs. A healthy relationship however will walk past every encounter smoothly. In most cases where a fight is probable, it takes not only love but compromise to have things work out!
However, if you realize that your man rarely appreciates the basic cues of a relationship when it comes to your differences shooting up an argument every now and then, watch out! Things can get toxic for some having the relationship’s fight become abusive and brutal. Some men are known to vent their bitter dislike for you through such hoping you read it all and walk away. However, a marriage counselor can help you through your issues leading to a happier marriage.
#2- He Puts Little to No Effort in the Relationship
We all know the depth that men can get to when they love a woman! From finances to personal time, men will risk it all for the woman they treasure. A man will disappoint his friends just to be with the woman he loves. After all, family matters, and in this case, being a husband, nothing should come before his family.
However, if you realize that the man wants less to do with you, you need to stay alert since it communicates that he feels quite distant from you. If he is a spendthrift when in the company of his friends and a miser at your home leaving his responsibilities and financial obligations to you, then you need to secure your heart before it’s too late. Nevertheless, you can give him a wake-up call and make it clear to him that things might change if he doesn’t change for the better.
#3- He Cares Less About How You Feel
Does your man bother to call you, receive a call, or text you back at least when you reach out? Does he say sorry when he is wrong or does he let toxic masculinity and his ego rule his life? Well, these are just a few ways in which you can know whether a man cares for you. If he shows no care, he probably is communicating the end of the love for you.
You are his wife and the closest person ever to his life. Hence, he has a responsibility to ensure that you are happy and care much about how you feel since happiness for both of you is pivotal to the health of the marriage. Therefore, watch out for this red flag since it might be a sign that he loves you no more.
#4- He Has Withdrawn all Affection
Most couples will kiss each other before parting ways or even hug warmly after meeting up after a long day of no see. Every woman wishes to have their man hug them from behind in the kitchen when they enter the house from work. Or maybe snuggle on the couch while watching the TV or great night cuddles at night when sleeping.
However, if you are getting none, this might signify that your husband has fallen out of love with you. This might be the case especially if he used to be this romantic and affectionate husband but now seemingly unbothered. A great thing to do is trying to show him the lost affection. If he dares pull away on several occasions, then know something has already changed.
#5- He Doesn’t Listen or Consider Your Opinion
Love was meant to have mutual conversations where we all have a stake in whatever ideas and opinions are raised. However, if your man seems zoned out no matter what you utter to him, then this is a bad sign. A similar bad sign is having your husband forget almost immediately on anything you talk about especially plans for the well-being of your love.
If he grunts or nods looking elsewhere when you have a deep conversation, or shush you in all conversations avoiding your opinion, it might mean that you have fallen out of favor. You will notice that he might walk away in the middle of conversations and see it as a normal thing or even fail to answer you in some family pressing matters. Men give attention to whatever they treasure and love, so see this as a red flag.
#6- Intimacy is Gone
Intimacy is the climax of every marital relationship! It is through physical and emotional intimacy that the two souls connect when words become superfluous. However, when you are not getting some, this might have you feel cornered in some tight space where nothing feels like it’s working. And true to the word, lack of intimacy is a major red flag.
Could he be getting intimate outside the marriage? Or probably he is not at the best of his emotions. Maybe he just found something better out there! All these questions sum up the feeling of being unwanted. Therefore, if your husband has missed making a conjugal visit to your glory spot, then think twice! Try to change a few things here and there to confirm that you are not the problem. Nice lingerie, nice meals and treatment before bed, and kindness/respect to the husband. Seduce your man and if all these fail, then know a divorce might not be so far from being tabled.
#7- He Trusts You Not with His Matters
Trusts and respect are two major components of a relationship built on a strong foundation. Contrary to what many might perceive, a married man’s unspoken-about best friend is his wife. She knows what the husband has gone through, what he is going through, and probably what he might be going through even time to come. A wife puts life together for a man after he vents all that is in his life.
However, if your husband has found a new go-to person for all his issues at every time, then you need to stay alert. This might be the case especially if he used to tell you everything and now that he trusts you less, he found someone else. A friend maybe, or another woman who makes him feel better probably. No trust in a relationship equals failed love!
#8- He Treats Other Ladies Better than You
It’s a woman’s nightmare to have her treated any less compared to other ladies out there by her man. Maybe in the mall, or at his office, if he treats ladies there with courtesy and love, and you get none, then know it’s probably over for you.
Nothing is as precious as a wife to a man. He will accord you the respect and love that you deserve manifesting it in every way possible even in front of the masses. However, if this is not the case, then think twice. He might be pushing you away since he sees no value in you anymore.
#9- He Asks for Space Always
Space, Space, Space! Probably, the biggest red flag of a failing relationship, asking out for space means that there is less to salvage in a marriage. Remember this is not a typical boy-girl relationship but a marriage, hence, having your man ask for space shakes the whole relationship.
He might have already got tired of something and wants time alone but in most cases, space means that the relationship is beyond repair, only handing by the threads waiting on luck to get saved. Hence, at such a time, prepare for the worst for its might strike you when you rarely expect it!
#10- He Says He Loves You Not!
Well, as easy as it might be, it will take some women’s external advice to consume these words since it might seem like a joke and impossible. Now that you have a ring on your finger doesn’t mean that only death will separate you! Learn and appreciate taking words as they are uttered and not interpreting them otherwise.
If your husband says he loves you not he in most cases means it! A man takes care of what he loves and he would not be silly to tell you things that might hurt you. So, if he says it, just know the children are the only thing keeping you two together in the relationship.
While the above tips show red flags on failed love, not all can stand on themselves alone. At times you need two or more signs to know and confirm that true love has died from your husband’s end. Therefore, it is advisable to check in with a marriage counselor before taking the next step of moving out and on from that relationship.
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