There are many ways to make a man jealous. Firstly, it depends mainly on what the relationship between the two of you is. Today I am going to be focusing on three types of relationships, and what you can do when it comes to how to make him jealous and want you more. Below is the list of men we will be dealing with today, Guys A, B, and C.
- Is he someone that you are friends with which there is a mutual interest in one another, but with whom you are not yet in a relationship with?
- Is he someone that you are in a committed relationship with?
- Is he your ex?
In this article, I will list DO’s and DON’T”S for each of the gentlemen listed above when it comes to making them jealous.
Guy A:
First off, it is very important to remember not to lay it on too thick with Guy A because you are not in a relationship yet, and if you try too hard to make him jealous, he could either get the wrong idea about you, or simply assume that you are no longer interested in him.
Things you can do:
- Casually bring up in conversation that other men have been showing an interest in you (Again do not lay it on too thick. You don’t want him to think that you have interest in other men, just that they have interest in you) The only real way to tell if a guy is jealous at this stage in a relationship is by making him think that he has a potential reason to be. Note: If he does not share your interest in a romantic relationship, odds are he is not going to care about what interest other men have in you, so not only could you potentially make him jealous with this technique, but you could also find out for sure whether or not you have a chance with him.
- Casually bring up the fact that other men have been contacting you on social media (Blow it off, making sure that he knows that you have no interest in these other men, but just make sure he knows that they have an interest in you)
Things you should NEVER do:
- If you have already shown an interest in him romantically, and he has reciprocated it, DO NOT try to make him jealous by telling him that you went out with another guy. (Unless of course, he tells you he has been out with other women.)
- DO NOT talk to him about your relationships with other men, if you have any. More than likely this is will just make him think that he either has way too much competition, or that you simply are not interest in him romantically whatsoever.
The relationship between you and Guy A is still in the beginning stages and very fragile. So, when it comes to making him jealous, you have to be very careful about how you go about doing so. Things could go either way. He could get extremely jealous and want to try harder to have a relationship with you, or he could get the wrong idea about you and your intentions entirely and call the whole thing off. It is a very thin and fragile line, and one slip could send the whole thing up in flames, so do not take it too far.
Guy B:
Guy B is someone that you are already in a committed relationship with, so you probably know enough about him at this point to know how to make him jealous, and whether or not he is even the type to get jealous to begin with.
Chances are, if you are trying to make Guy B jealous, there is a straight up reason for it, which could be anything depending on the relationship itself. Are you just trying to spice things up and get some extra attention from him? Or, are you trying to make him jealous because he simply isn’t paying enough attention to you? (Please note, if you are feeling the need to make Guy B jealous, the best thing to do might be to actually sit down and talk things out with him rather than trying to make him jealous, because it can be risky to the relationship and could potentially blow up in your face.)
Things you can do:
- Casually bring up that a guy at work or some place else has been “hitting on you” (Even if its not true, say it is, but be sure to make it sound as though you are uncomfortable with it)
- When it comes to letting Guy B know that other men are paying attention to you, ALWAYS make sure it is casual and not laid on too thick.( You don’t want him to get the wrong idea and think that you have interest in other men.)
Things you should NEVER do:
Do not try too hard to make Guy B jealous. (You could end up pushing him away instead)
When trying to make Guy B jealous, you really need to tread lightly. Pushing jealousy too hard in a committed relationship could be risky. If you are feeling the need to try to make Guy B jealous, you more than likely need to have a serious conversation about why you feel the need to do so.
Guy C:
Guy C is probably the least risky of the three. After all, you have already been in a relationship and for whatever reason, you aren’t together anymore, so you really don’t have anything to lose. Of course, if you are trying to make Guy C jealous, the odds are you still have some sort of lingering feelings for him, so it is very important to not let those feelings get the best of you when trying to make him jealous.
Things you can do:
- Post pictures all over social media and let the world see how much attention you can get from other men. (Even if you are no longer friends with your ex on social media, odds are it will still get back to him.)
- Let mutual friends between the two of you know that you have been going out on dates and seeing other people.
- Compare your Ex to some of the new guys that you have been seeing, and make sure the new guys sound better than him. (Even if you aren’t seeing anyone new, he doesn’t need to know that.)
- Make sure that social media, mutual friends, and anyone else that might still be talking to your ex know that you are completely happy without him. (Even if you aren’t, the world does not need to know that, and he especially doesn’t need to know that.)
Things you should NEVER do:
- Do not throw yourself at your ex. That is not only going to show him that he still has control over your emotions, but it will definitely put a damper on trying to make him jealous if he knows that you still want him.
- Don’t post on social media about how much you miss him. (Even if you are no longer friends on social media, odds are it will still get back to him.)
- When your ex tries to contact you, do not immediately respond. (If you respond to him immediately, that tells him that you don’t have another man in your life, and that you are basically just waiting to hear from him, and that is not a good look.)
Depending on the context of the original break up between you and Guy C, making him jealous may or may not work. There are a lot of different factors involved, but the main thing you need to focus on if you want to make your ex jealous are showing him that you have other and BETTER options than him.
There are many ways to make a man jealous, as well as many reasons that you might feel the need to do so. There are way more ways to make a man jealous than just what I have listed in this article, but I can absolutely guarantee that in most cases, the things that I have listed will work wonders for you. The important thing that you need to consider before trying to make any man in your life jealous is the context of the relationship that you have with him. Jealousy is a very powerful emotion, and it can make or break a relationship, so you need to be mindful of that, as well as mindful of how hard you are trying to make a guy jealous. You do not want to push jealousy too hard in any relationship. Laying it on too thick can not only push the man in your life away, but it can also give you a look that is less than pleasant. Always be mindful of what you say and how you say it when it comes to trying to make a man jealous. Also note that these tips wont work in every situation. For example, if your ex doesn’t want to get back together with you, then odds are you won’t be able to make him jealous. The tips in this article 100% depend on the context of the relationship that you have with whoever it is that you are trying to make jealous. I hope this has helped you, and good luck!
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