Dogs bark. It’s part of their nature to alert us when they sense danger. However, prolonged barking due to anxiety or boredom is tiring for both the dog and his owner.
Here are some helpful tips that you can use if your dog has recently started excessive barking:
1. Try giving him attention –
even though you might be annoyed by your dog’s incessant barking, remember not to yell at him. If he senses your anger, he will only continue barking because he wants your attention. Instead, try talking soothingly to him or give him a treat for stopping. When he does stop, make sure to instantly give the treat without any hesitation so that it feels rewarding to bark less often
2. Exercise your dog –
depending on his breed, a dog might bark excessively because he’s hyperactive and full of energy. If he is barking simply because he needs to use the bathroom or go out for a walk, this could help get rid of excess energy.
3. Manage his environment –
make sure your home isn’t too loud or cluttered that it would annoy him into barking excessively. Ensure that there aren’t any opportunities in the house for him to escape outside since some dogs tend to bark incessantly when they’re thirsty and looking for water or food
4. Make sure he doesn’t feel threatened –
if you have other animals in the house such as cats, rabbits or birds, ensure that these animals are safely hidden away so he is not confronted by them
5. Keep him entertained –
if you leave your dog alone for long periods of time, he might just be barking excessively because he is bored and looking for something to do. Make sure that when you’re home, you spend quality time with him or play fetch or tug-of-war games to satisfy his need to exert energy
6. Find out why he’s barking –
it could be possible that your dog isn’t barking due to boredom, but rather because there are people outside (he sees them as a threat), or due to an experience in the past (such as being attacked by another animal)
7. Be patient with him –
most likely, it can take some before your dog completely stops barking excessively, depending on its severity. Don’t be discouraged if he still barks at certain times; this is normal for dogs to do when they are anxious. What’s important is that you keep working with him even when he does bark excessively until the appropriate time that he stops completely
8. Give them preference –
give your dog more attention instead of other canine pets in the household to avoid tension and prevent excessive barking
9. Teach him a command –
you can teach your dog a ‘quiet’ or ‘hush’ command so that he knows what behavior is expected of him. The moment he starts barking, say the word in an authoritative tone and immediately give him a treat in return if he obeys you
10. Use an ultrasonic device –
there are a number of products in the market today that can help to discourage barking. One product you can try is an ultrasonic device which emits a high-pitched sound when your dog barks. This may be helpful to scare away intruders without traumatizing him
11. Provide him with company –
if your dog barks excessively when you’re not at home, consider getting another pet so he won’t feel lonely
12. Use positive reinforcement –
every time he stops barking for 5 seconds or more, give him lots of praise and treats so that it feels rewarding to stop barking 13. Train him with anti bark spray collars – train him how you want him to behave by training his mind rather than punishing his behavior with negative reinforcement
14. Get effective help –
there are also dog behaviorists whom you can hire to train your dog for you and teach him how to behave properly Your Dog’s Voice: How to Recognize and Interpret Your Dog’s Vocalizations By: Andrea Arden, Dog Behavior Specialist
15. Consult a vet –
if your dog continues to bark excessively even after you try all these tips for dogs who bark excessively, he may be suffering from anxiety or other psychological problems that can only be resolved with the help of a veterinarian
16. Consult a dog trainer –
if you can’t seem to get a handle on your dog’s barking problem even after trying the tips listed above, consult a professional dog trainer. He may be able to give you some additional insight on how to make your dog stop barking excessively
17. Get rid of him –
lastly, if your dog still barks excessively even after trying all these tips for dogs who bark excessively, you can ask to have him removed from your house. If he is a problem with the neighbors or those living nearby, they may be more than happy to help you do this since it will mean less noise in their area as well
18. Give him some space –
try not to get so close to your dog when he’s barking excessively. Some dogs tend to bark more when their owners are too near them, which is why it may be helpful for you to stand farther away from him if he continues to bark even after trying all of these tips
19. Keep him busy –
fill his time by giving him some toys to play with while you’re not at home. You can also teach him commands like ‘sit’ or ‘stay’ so that he feels like he has something to do besides bark
20. Get help from your neighbors –
if your dog is barking excessively in the middle of the night, get your neighbor’s help on how they can make it easier for both parties
21. Teach him a new trick –
sometimes all it takes is finding something else for your dog to focus on rather than barking when you are talking to him
22. Try the ‘minimal consequence method’ –
this involves picking up items that are important to your life and then just moving them somewhere else every time he barks. This way, he will realize that his barking is not having any consequences and there is no point in him barking
23. Give him a good night’s sleep –
keep your dog inside and away from outside noise by giving him a comfortable place to rest at night
24. Keep your yard quiet –
if you have noisy neighbors or the area you live in has a lot of road traffic, it may be best for you to get your dog an enclosure for the yard so he can enjoy the area without worrying about all the noise
25. Find the cause –
sometimes it may be helpful for you to find out what your dog is barking at first. This way, you can make sure that there isn’t something like a stranger outside your house or another animal that he needs to warn you about
26. Keep him occupied –
some dogs bark excessively because they are bored and have nothing else to do. Provide him with toys and other things that will keep him entertained while you’re not around
27. Apply some positive reinforcement –
use treats like cheese or hotdog bits every time you catch him not barking so he knows what behavior is more appropriate
28. Give him attention when he barks excessively –
if your dog barks excessively when strangers come over, give him lots of affection immediately after this occurs so he knows that you appreciate him alerting you to the presence of a stranger
29. Get a dog trainer –
sometimes it may be helpful for your dog to work with a professional who specializes in dealing with barking dogs so they can have an extra set of hands and ears on what is going on when your dog barks excessively
30. Make sure your kids know what to do –
if you have children, make sure that they know not to encourage or reward their pet for excessive barking. If this happens, your pooch will only learn to bark more!
31. Teach them how to give commands –
if your kids want to play with or otherwise interact with your dog when he’s barking excessively, help them practice giving him commands like ‘sit’ and ‘stay’
32. Spend more time at home –
it may be helpful for you to spend as much time as possible with your dog if he barks excessively when you’re not there 33. Let him bark – even dogs that bark excessively need a few seconds of barking now and then, so let him do this every once in a while
34. Try calming sprays –
apply it to his favorite blanket or inside his crate before bedtime so he associates these scents with something positive and relaxing rather than the idea of going to sleep 35. Exercise him properly – dogs need plenty of physical exercise if they are expected to stay quiet
36. Get help from the neighbors –
just ask them whether they mind giving your dog some attention and the occasional walk if he barks excessively when you’re not there
37. Keep an eye out for stress signals –
excessive barking may be a result of your dog being overwhelmed by his environment
38. Avoid punishment –
it’s never helpful to punish your dog so they stop barking as this is only going to make your dog more anxious and cause him to bark more often
39. Stick with positive reinforcement –
instead, try rewarding anything that isn’t excessive barking
40. Work on ‘shaping’ his behavior –
use treats to reward any decrease in barking so he knows exactly what type of behavior will help get him what he wants
In conclusion, it’s important to understand that excessive barking will only make your dog more anxious and lead to a vicious cycle. Instead of punishing your dog for barking, try out some of the other options for helping him stop barking as much as possible. You’ll be surprised at how quickly he can improve!
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