A healthy relationship is whereby both partners believe in each other and are true about their feelings. We have all doubted our relationships at one time. A relationship full of doubt is not likely to give you peace or happiness. It can be hurting to realize that you are the only one in love but the guy feels otherwise for you. For that reason, it is good that you know all signs if your guy isn’t true about what he feels for you. He might be there for other agendas that you have no idea about. You should not worry about a thing because here are tips to help you know if he is for real.
They include;
• Hides his phone
A phone is a private gadget but it shouldn’t be too much hidden in a relationship. You will tell your guy is lying about how he feels if he hides his phone all the time. This means that he is probably seeing someone else. You will be worried if you note that he does not leave his phone even when he goes to the bathroom. That is a red flag that you need to look out for if you suspect your guy is lying about his feelings for you. You will also note that he tilts his phone when replying to text messages. That should tell you that there is something that he does not want you to know.
• Clears his phone history
He might not hide his phone but he might hide almost everything in it. He does not allow you to access his browsing, call or text messages history. Most probably he doesn’t feel the same way that you feel for him. Also, he might be calling or texting another person and seeing you at the same time. That should tell you that something is wrong.
• Trust your guts
If your guts tell you that your guy has changed, then you should trust them. your intuition can be right but you only realize it after admitting it. You could be feeling like things are not flowing like they were before then your guy may be lying about his feeling. He might give a smiley face but deep down he actions do not add up. if your intuition tells you that your guy is lying, it is upon you to investigate.
• Loyalty test
You can choose to conduct a loyalty test with your partner. Ask someone to ask your partner questions about your relationship. If you notice a twitch then that is a clear indication that your guy is not true to you. This will also give you clues on how your partner feels about your relationship.
• Defensive
Your partner gets defensive when you ask him about something wrong he did. In most cases, he does not even look you in the eye when talking. This is a clear indication that he is lying about his feelings. You might ask him about his side piece and he lies about it giving you defensive answers. Also, he will block you from asking you more questions. He will also, find faults in you if you ask him more questions. You are always the one who carries the blame every time. You might end up being the victim after an argument. It is because he hardly has feelings for you. This is a true indication that he must be lying.
• Details don’t add up
He always has poorly organized lies. Every day he tells you this and tomorrow another thing. For that reason, all his details never add up. You can compare his behavior and what he says and see if they add up. If nothing adds up, then it is true that they are lying about their feelings.
• He wants other benefits
He might pursue you but deep down he only wants a one-night stand. Your guy might be insisting on sex every time you are together. In most cases, he is so persuasive. That should tell you that he is lying about what he feels for you to get other things from you. Your guy might only want to have you around but does not have feelings for you. Also, he might want to keep you around just to hide his identity, for instance, he might be gay.
• He changes after some time
He acts loving and caring at first. After some time of dating and courtship, your partner might start to behave differently. It is true that in the first lace he was faking it all. A true guy will always stick around without changing their attitude towards you. Some behavior changes can tell you that he was lying about his feelings.
• Postpones dates or never shows up
If your guy plans a date with you but when the day comes he stands you up, then, he must be a liar. He keeps on canceling dates without informing you. An honest guy will always show up for a date and plan for more dates later without fail.
• Hides you from his family and friends
Family and friends are important in everyone’s life. He will date you secretly without introducing you to his family or friends. It is most likely that he doesn’t like you or he isn’t sure about you. That way, he will never mention his friends when he is with you. None of his friends will notice that he is seeing you.
• His moods changes
Some days he wakes up happy while other days he is sad. He distances himself when he is sad. He does not want to talk to you most of the time. That is a red flag that he does not have feelings for you. If he was true about his feelings, he would always tame his moods when he is with you.
• He does not hold your hand in public
While walking together, he will never hold you or your back. He only wants to walk beside you but not while holding you. if you hold him he quickly distances himself. Also, he will tell you that he finds it corny to hold in public. And for that reason, he will always have excuses for not holding you.
• He doesn’t enjoy you teasing him
You find him complaining a lot if you tickle him. He might even get violent if you persist in teasing him. This is likely to make you feel unappreciated. If your guy behaves this way he is indeed lying about his feelings. A guy who is true about his feelings for you will always enjoy you teasing him and will tease you back.
• is self-centered
You will notice that he does not mind how you feel as long as he is satisfied. This is mostly during sex. He will tend to mind his pleasure and not yours. He probably does not feel a thing for you.
• Always distracted when you are talking
He will always seem distracted when you are talking to him. He will not maintain eye contact during a conversation. Also, he might look at other ladies walking past you. if your guy does this, he probably doesn’t have feelings for you.
• He doesn’t cover up for you
He leaves you when you are in trouble. At some point, he even points fingers at you. Also, he does not correct you when you do something wrong. This is a guy who has no feelings for you. if he had mutual feelings he would cover up for your mistakes and correct you in private.
• He acts single when with friends
When with his peer, he will never mention you. He spends more time with his single friends looking for girlfriends. That is a sign that he lies to you about what he feels.
• He cheats on you
You will notice that he has more than one girl beside you. He comes home late and smelling perfumes. Other times he doesn’t show up home. That is a red flag that your guy is lying about his feelings. He tends to find more satisfaction from other girls. This is simply because he thinks you are not enough for him. A true guy will stick with one partner rather than multiple partners.
• Doesn’t plan a future with you
He never mentions his plans to you. He hides his goals and motives from you. That is a person who feels nothing for you. For that reason, they do not want to include it in any of their plans. If your guy is of that caliber, then be sure that they do not have feelings for you. You must be wasting your time in the relationship.
Ensure that you check for all the red flags if you notice your guy is lying about his feelings. Finding out that your guy isn’t true van be hurting. For that reason, ensure you have the right partner before you invest all your feelings in the relationship.
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