Your boyfriend had a life before the two of you met, which means he probably has more than one ex. When you are in love, you don’t want to think about your boyfriend being with anyone else. Many guys will avoid talking about their ex as much as possible. If your ex has left his ex in the past, you will rarely hear her name. However, if he talks about his ex frequently and often talks about the happy memories he shared with her, there is a good chance that he still has feelings. This can be a very painful fact to accept. If you aren’t very invested in your relationship and aren’t in love, it might be better to get out now to save yourself some pain. If you are in love with your ex and you don’t want to end things, there are things that you can do to save your relationship and help him let go of the past.
Does My Boyfriend Still Love His Ex But Loves Me Too?
If you aren’t sure if your boyfriend is still in love with his ex, you need to find out for sure before saying anything to him and taking the next step. Below are several signs that your boyfriend may not be completely over his ex.
1. Her things are still in his home: If your boyfriend’s relationship with his ex has been over for a while, but some of her things are still in his home, he might not be totally over her. He may still be pining for her and still grieving the loss of the relationship.
2. He brings up good memories of his ex often: Your boyfriend may still be in love with his ex if he often talks of happy memories with her. If it occasionally happens or by mistake, don’t worry. If he talks about these memories often, he likely still has feelings for her.
3. He gets upset when hearing his ex has a new boyfriend: This is a sure-fire sign that your ex still loves his ex. If he is over her, he won’t care who she is dating. If he is hurt or angry when he hears the news of his ex and her new boyfriend, he is likely still in love with her.
4. He’s still communicating with his ex: It is not uncommon for ex’s to be cordial with one another and even friendly. However, if your boyfriend is communicating with his ex frequently, there is a good chance that he still has feelings for her.
5. You haven’t met his family and friends: If you have been with your boyfriend for a while and still haven’t met his friends and family, he might not be ready to let go of his relationship with his ex. If he isn’t ready to replace her yet, he won’t want you to meet the people closest to him.
If you suspect that your boyfriend is still in love with his ex, there are a few things you can do to ease your mind and save your relationship.
#1 Do Some Detective Work
If you suspect that your boyfriend is still carrying a torch for his ex, the worst thing you can do is start making unfounded accusations. If you are going to tell him how you feel, you first need more proof than your own suspicions. There are a few things you can do to get the proof you need.
• Check his social media and hers if possible. If he is commenting on her photos and posts often, there is a good chance that he still isn’t over her.
• Check his phone to see if the two are communicating when you aren’t around.
• Ask mutual friends about their relationship. Find out if she seemed to be the love of his life.
• Find out who ended the relationship and why. If the breakup was her idea and not his, he could still have feelings.
#2 Accept His Past
In any relationship, both partners bring a relationship history with them. You need to understand that your boyfriend had emotional experiences with his ex, and they have stayed with him. If your boyfriend is talking about his ex, he may have unresolved feelings, and he needs your help to sort them through. It is essential that you understand that your boyfriend’s happiness is no limited. He may have been happy with his ex before things turned sour, but the happiness he had with her will give him hope that he can find happiness with you as well.
#3 Love Has No Limit
Love has no limit, and there are different types of love. If your boyfriend still loves his text, it doesn’t mean that he is in love with her. These are very different. Your boyfriend may still love his ex because they had a connection at one time. This doesn’t mean that he is still in love with her or waiting for her to come back. You should think about how you feel about your exes. You might still have a fondness for them because they were a major part of your life, but you aren’t in love with them. The same could be true with your boyfriend’s ex. If he isn’t trying to get her back or still be a major part of her life, you have nothing to worry about.
#4 His Feeling Are Just a Fantasy
If your boyfriend’s relationship with his ex ended in him getting hurt, it could be the reason he thinks that he may still love her. It is easier for him to think about his ex as a great girl who was loving and supportive to avoid the real truth that left him feeling wronged and in pain. It is almost a defense mechanism to help him continue loving himself and to get over the pain. If your boyfriend has his heartbroken, you shouldn’t worry. Chances are, his feelings are more of a fantasy than a longing. As time passes, you can help him heal, and he will realize that the feelings he thought he had for his ex were never real.
#5 Work On Your Own Insecurities
It is not uncommon to feel insecure if you suspect that your boyfriend is in love with his ex. If you don’t think that you are as pretty or as successful as his ex, it can result in problems between the two of you. If you can work on your own insecurities, you can be the strong, confident woman he is looking for to help him get past his feelings for his ex. This could help those feelings fade, and he will be ready to let go of the past and look forward to his future with you.
#6 Don’t Give Him Permission To Hurt You
Just because your boyfriend may have feelings for his ex, it doesn’t give him license to hurt you. It is not okay for him to tell you stories of the happy times with his ex or compare you to her. If he is doing these things, you need to talk to him about how these things make you feel. If he is serious about your relationship, he will stop doing these things to avoid hurting you. If he gets angry or doesn’t change his behavior, you may need to start thinking about what you want and if there is a future for the two of you.
#7 Understand That It Isn’t a Competition
If your boyfriend still has feelings for his ex, you need to understand that it is not a competition between you and her. Your boyfriend is in a relationship with you and not her. It can take time for feelings for an ex to fade. As long as he isn’t still in contact with his ex and still seeing her and speaking to her regularly, you can relax. In time, his feelings will diminish, and things will work out.
#8 Seek One-On-One Counseling or Couple’s Counseling
If your boyfriend’s feeling for his ex is hurting you or interfering in your life, you should seek professional help. If your boyfriend is willing to go, a therapist can help you both. The therapist can help him work through his feelings and help you understand his feelings.
If your boyfriend isn’t willing to go or you are afraid to ask, you should start seeing a one-on-one therapist. A therapist can help you work through your feelings of insecurity and help you decide if repairing the relationship is what you really want.
#9 End the Relationship
If you are sure that your boyfriend is still in love with his ex and it is too much for you to deal with, it might be best to cut your losses and end the relationship. It isn’t healthy to be in a relationship with someone who is in love with someone else and is pining for them. The healthiest thing you can do, regardless of how painful, to end things with your boyfriend and move on. You deserve to be with someone who loves you and only you.
Final Thoughts
Being in love with someone you suspect loves you, and someone else can be difficult. Every situation is different, and before you end things, you need to figure out what is really going on. If your ex isn’t in love with his ex but still has love for her, your relationship still has a chance. If he is still in love with her and speaks to her frequently, it may be time to end the relationship.
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