When you have a crush on someone, you want to learn as much about them as possible. Learning about them will let you know if you want them to go from being your crush to being your significant other. To learn as much about your crush, you need to ask them personal questions. There are plenty of great personal questions to ask your crush, but you need to be careful about how you ask the questions. You don’t want every conversation to be a Q&A session because he will feel like he is being quizzed. You want your conversations to be light and fun. The last thing you want is for him to feel like he is taking an oral exam.
If you aren’t sure about the questions you should ask, read on. Below are some excellent personal questions to ask your crush to help you learn a lot about them.
#1 When Was Your Last Relationship?
This is an essential question to ask. If your crush just got out of a relationship, they might not be ready to jump into another one. If it has been a while since they were serious about someone, they could be ready to start something with you.
#2 Why Did Your Last Relationship End?
This is an essential question because it will let you know what types of baggage and hangups your crush has. If their last relationship ended because they were cheated on, they will probably have trust issues. Being betrayed that way leaves emotional scars that last a long time. If you aren’t ready to deal with trust issues, it might be best to move on.
If your crush’s last relationship ended and they didn’t want it to, they could still be hung up on their ex. This is the type of baggage that you don’t want to deal with.
If your crush cheated on their ex, you have to wonder if they will do the same thing to you.
This question can give you the information you need to decide whether you want to move forward with the relationship or if it will be more trouble than it’s worth.
#3 How Many People Have You Been With?
This question may seem pretty personal, but personal questions are necessary if you are going to get to know your crush better. This question will let you know how free your crush is when it comes to sex or if they take it very seriously. Whether you decide to move forward would depend on your views of sex and if they match your crush’s.
#4 Are You Religious?
Many people say to avoid talking about religion or politics with someone you don’t know very well. When you ask your crush if they are religious, it doesn’t mean that you have to start a debate on the subject. It is a good thing to know just in case the two of you end up getting together. If you are religious and they aren’t, or vice versa, your different views can cause issues down the road. If one of you wants to go to church or celebrate holy holidays and the other doesn’t, it can cause problems in the relationship.
#5 Would You Ever Share Your Passwords With Your Significant Other?
We all have passwords. We have passwords to log onto our computer, email, cell phone, and social media. If your crush says they would never share their password, it will make you wonder if they have something to hide. If you know early on that your crush is sneaky, it will only cause problems if things start getting serious.
#6 What’s On Your Bucketlist?
This question will let you know how adventurous your crush is. If they say that eating at a new restaurant or trying a new food is on their bucket list, they aren’t too outgoing. If they say skydiving or riding a camel in the desert, you can be sure they are up for anything.
If you aren’t adventurous and they are or vice versa, it could cause problems later on. Also, when you know what is on their bucket list, you can offer to go with them when they cross things off their list.
#7 What Is Your Biggest Regret In Life?
This question will give you an idea of the mistakes your crush has made in life. It will also open up an interesting conversation between the two of you.
#8 Are You Close With Your Family?
This question will give you an idea o what your crush’s family is like, and a bit about their family values. If your crush is close with their family and you aren’t, or vice versa, it doesn’t mean that the relationship is doomed. It is just good to know where your crush stands with their family.
#9 What Are Your Vices?
It is good to know ahead of time what your crush’s vices are. If they drink, smoke, or do drugs, you should know early. If their vice is something you don’t think you can deal with, you can move on before wasting your time on a relationship that won’t go anywhere.
#10 Have You Ever Really Been In Love?
Some people fall in love quickly, and for others, love hasn’t even happened yet. When you find out if your crush has ever been in love and how many times, you can learn a lot about them.
#11 How Do You Feel About Marriage?
This is one of the most important questions you can ask your crush. If you want to get married one day and they don’t believe in marriage or vice versa, your relationship is doomed from the start. Some people believe they can get the person they love to change their mind regarding marriage, but this is highly unlikely. If you want to avoid being in a dead-end relationship, you should make sure that you share the same views regarding marriage.
#12 Do You Want Children Someday?
This question can be difficult to ask because you don’t want to freak your crush out, but you should know early on. If you want children and they don’t or vice versa, the relationship will never last. You can hope that your crush will change their mind regarding children, but they won’t. Most people who don’t want children now never do. Believing that you can change their mind is just wishful thinking. If your views on children aren’t the same, it is best to move on.
#13 Where Do You See Yourself In 5 Years?
This is a great question because it will give you an idea of your crush’s dreams and goals. You can find out if they hope to move up in their career, if they want to be married someday soon and if they hope to start a family in the near future. This one question offers a great deal of information.
#14 What Do You Do On a Typical Night After Work?
This question will give you an idea of what your crush is up to when they aren’t working, and you aren’t around. It will also give you ideas of plans to make with them if the relationship progresses.
#15 How Would You Describe the Perfect Date?
If your crush asks you out, this question will let you know what to expect. It will also give you an idea. If you have the same things in common. For example, if their idea of a perfect date is going out for sushi, then a movie, but you hate sushi and movie theaters, you won’t have much fun if you were to start dating.
#16 Do You Have a Rule About Sex On The First Date?
This is a very important question, and it can avoid awkwardness if you and your crush go on a date. If they believe in sex on the first date and you don’t, or vice versa, you can let your feelings be known ahead of time, which can avoid an awkward situation on your first date.
#17 When Was the Last Time You Cried?
This question can let you know whether your crush is an emotional person or not. If the last time they cried was when a pet or a loved one died, it is understandable. If they say they cried an hour ago while watching a commercial for dog food, it is a sign that they are pretty emotional. If this is something that you can’t deal with, you might be better off moving on.
You may feel like asking overly personal questions is prying, but it really isn’t. You need to learn a lot about your crush to determine if they are relationship material. If you don’t ask personal questions early on, you could end up wasting months on a relationship with someone who doesn’t share the same values as you or someone you have nothing in common with. Learning as much about your crush as possible early on will keep you from getting serious with someone you have no chance with. Just remember, you aren’t prying, and your questions aren’t intrusive; they are necessary.
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