It happens a lot. A girl is in love with a guy, but he doesn’t feel the same way. He’s just playing with her feelings. In this type of situation, the two people have different goals. Still, he is not honest about his intentions and only deceives her because he is opportunistic or needs to “win” women to feel good about himself. Although it’s a pretty boring situation, there are red lights, even if it’s hard to see them clearly (after all, the guy has to be a good actor to disguise everything). There are some signs a Taurus man is playing you. So, read this article to find out.
Pay attention to the displays of affection
Generally, when a guy is playing with a girl’s feelings, he only shows affection to have sex. At these times, it’s normal to go from eight to 80 in the blink of an eye, going from cold to very affectionate. For example, if before he didn’t want to take your hand or put his arm around your shoulders but suddenly look at you, he may do all this because he’s malicious. Finally, he will certainly not show affection around friends and relatives.
There are some exceptions to this rule, like when two people get to know each other or visit a place they don’t know. In this case, it may be that the guy is suddenly affectionate because he is having fun in his company.
Some men show affection at all times because they have an outgoing and lively personalities.
See how much he pays attention to you
If your guy always seems distracted by something, like his cell phone, a video game, or his friends, he may not have a real interest in you. The same goes if he doesn’t show any interest in what you say. In rare cases, it can be just the opposite: maybe he pays attention when they’re together, but only when it’s convenient—and at those times, their interactions seem artificial, awkward.
The guy will likely memorize what you say if he’s enjoying your company. If he doesn’t like it, he won’t memorize it.
Compare this guy to someone who liked you in the past
It’s worth thinking about guys who’ve been through your life and comparing their behavior to your current one. Remember your ex-boyfriends (or even hookers) who were genuinely happy with your dates, making constant eye contact; we’re interested in your affairs, and so on. A man interested in a woman does his best to talk to her all the time and may even get nervous from time to time. For example, maybe he forgets the name of his favorite band when he talks about music with you!
If your current one doesn’t seem to have much interest in your conversations, it could be that he’s just using you for sex.
Reflect on whether the guy has an emotional connection with you
The boy will have fluctuating behaviors if he is playing with feelings, being excited one day, and disconnected the next. This does not happen when the interest is genuine, as the person shows what he feels at all times and is even influenced by what you are feeling. In these cases, the man may even wonder if the attraction is, in fact, mutual.
Talk to others about the situation
Other people’s opinions can be a good thermometer, as they have outside perspectives. Tell your friends what’s going on and ask them what they think. You can analyze various parts of the relationship, but with the following focus: “Does it seem like he likes me?”. Here’s the question! If people say no, chances are they are right.
Tell your friends the raw, unaltered version of what happened, using concrete examples of things the guy did or said. For example, you could say, “We’ve been dating for five weeks, but he only shows up every ten days or so. We never see each other on weekends, and I haven’t met his friends yet. He seems to take up all my time, but he doesn’t invite me to occupy his. Besides, when we go out, he doesn’t take my hand and isn’t affectionate until the night’s end”.
Think about whether the guy is really being honest with you
Some men just don’t have the same interest in women that they have in them, but it’s normal, and it happens to everyone. This kind of unrequited love is hard to deal with, but that doesn’t mean the guy is playing with your feelings (even if you feel hurt). The difference between someone who has no interest and someone who is joking is transparency and honesty. If you think your current one is being honest about the things they do, motivations, and intentions, treat them well but walk away before things get worse.
On the other hand, if the guy is reticent, vague, and distracted, it’s because he’s playing. In that case, he doesn’t really want your presence, even if it implies that things might change in the future. It never happens.
Also, open your eyes if it looks like the guy is seeing other people, even if he suggests that you’re the only one.
Be wary if the guy has profiles on dating apps or dodges sensitive questions like “Are you seeing anyone?”
Pay Attention to Some Behaviors
Pay attention to the progress of your relationship with the guy.
Grab a calendar and write down the date you started dating. If it’s been more than a month and you haven’t met the guy’s friends (and he doesn’t seem to care much about the relationship), maybe you’re not that invested in it. For example, be wary if he doesn’t invite you to anything, doesn’t talk about the future or feelings, and so on. Also, be wary if he says he’s enjoying it but doesn’t go beyond empty words.
Keep an eye out for times when the guy is available.
This is a strong indicator of his level of interest in the relationship. If his intention is just to have sex or to satisfy his ego, he may just want to meet you at night or when it’s convenient. Also, he can cancel his plans at the last minute. Keep an eye on how often this happens, and write down everything on your calendar in detail to try to spot a pattern.
Reflect on your feelings and your recent actions.
If you’re constantly worried about what’s going on and wondering whether or not the guy is really interested (and doubtful about your own feelings), it could be that even the nature of your relationship with him is wrong. There is no point in dwelling on something that is unstable, insecure, or confusing.
People who are in love go through emotional ups and downs, but you’re probably still unlucky in love if you think you’re in this boat alone.
If you’ve already trusted someone a lot and it’s gone bad, you’re suspicious of your partners, or you’re insecure, talk to friends and ask what they think. They know your personality well and can help determine how to respond to your current problem.
Trust your intuition.
In these cases, intuition is usually right when there is a certain pattern of behavior and feeling, especially in relation to your interactions with the boy. Sometimes one person’s mind ends up trying to rationalize another’s behaviors because they want to believe in a possible future. If you stop and think, “What does my intuition tell me?” and the answer is “Nothing good,” it’s best to dodge this trap before things get worse.
Think about who takes the most initiative.
If you’re usually the one who goes after you, maybe the guy isn’t that excited. Take a look at your WhatsApp or Facebook conversations and see who chats most often, who writes the most, and who ends conversations.
If you go after the guy more often, but he shows interest in other ways, he may not be very good at digital communication. However, this is unlikely, as today, virtually everyone is connected to the network at all times.
The guy can say he doesn’t stay on his cell phone all the time, but he doesn’t leave the screen when you meet.
Learn to react to the situation
Don’t pretend to believe the boy.
If you’re getting to the point where you notice that your guy is lying about a lot of things or you keep making excuses for not accepting your invitations, don’t keep pretending that you believe him. Put a stop to the clowning and have a serious chat. Plan how the dialogue will be and what you have to say. For example, if you think the guy is likely to cancel an appointment they had together at the last minute, prepare a response in advance, such as a simple “Okay. We need to talk later.”
Some men even feel a perverse attraction to women who don’t play games. Prepare for this possibility, and don’t be fooled. It’s no use trying to insist with someone who feels that kind of vile pleasure.
Don’t turn your final rant into a serious argument, and don’t even try to make the guy feel guilty — after all, he won’t change just because of that. The only person you can control is yourself.
If you know you’re going to cry if you argue with the guy, think of ways to get away from him indirectly. The most important thing is to leave the whole situation behind as soon as possible.
Tell the guy you don’t want to date him anymore.
You may even want to take your anger out on the guy and ask what he is, but it’s best to hold back. It’s no use wanting to know what a person’s intentions are, even more so when he feels forced. Just tell her she’s had enough and why she’s leaving.
For example, say something like, “I’ve noticed that I’m investing more in the relationship than you are, so I believe we should end it here.” Depending on your level of closeness and intimacy, you can even break up over the phone or text.
If you’re going to have a face-to-face conversation, think of a nice time and set up a meeting in the middle of the day, when you’re both very alert. Go to a mall food court, for example. Don’t even try to finish it at night, after the rush of work.
You can send a WhatsApp message to explain how you feel and why you think the relationship has no future.
What do you think?