If he is cheating on you now, he will cheat on you in the future. This is always the rule of thumb when it comes to relationships. It may be your first boyfriend, and it seems like everything is perfect, but if you notice certain things about him that tell you something is wrong. Or maybe your partner has been showing poor behavior lately, which could lead to infidelity.
First of all, don’t stick around with someone who cheats because they will do it again. If you need a statistic: 85% of people who cheat will do it again within 4 years! Maybe most importantly: Do NOT blame yourself for being cheated on after reading this article because the person had no intention of not cheating.
Do you want to know signs he will cheat in the future? If so, then read this article for signs your man is about to cheat. There are many signs that a man may be cheating on his significant other. They can range from being secretive with a cell phone or computer use, spending too much time at work or out of town, and having an unexplained new interest like a new hobby or cause they care about passionately. The signs he will cheat in the future can be difficult for women to spot because men often have different interests than their girlfriends do. Read this article and find out how you can tell if your boyfriend will cheat before it happens.
1. He ignores you or acts distant in public
If he is nice only when no one can see you two together, it is a sign that something is wrong. He might be cheating on you but isn’t sure about having you caught! If he pushes you away and ignores your calls or messages, then it could mean that he doesn’t want you to know what is going on between him and someone else. You should confront him with the truth as soon as possible before he leaves you for someone else.
2. He is not giving you the time of day
If your man refuses to spend any time with you and at home, then you should be a little worried about what he could be doing instead. The only way that he could do this without being obvious is if he has stepped outside on a smoking break or something similar. He will come up with an excuse, and you will have no idea that he is stepping out to cheat on you. If this sounds familiar, then there are only a few ways to know for sure: if your man doesn’t make time for you, talk to him about it or check his phone/computer when he isn’t home.
3. He makes excuses not to go to certain places
If he refuses to go somewhere with the justification that it is unsafe, too far away, or just completely stupid, then pay attention! Honestly speaking, people don’t usually lie because they think their lies won’t be discovered – they do so simply because they don’t want someone else to find out what’s going on.
4. He flirts in front of you
A way a man shows you he will cheat is by flirting with other women in your presence. This means that if he’s doing it now, then there is no reason to think that he won’t do it again later on down the road.
5. He has cheated before
If your boyfriend or husband has cheated before, then you should beware of future infidelity. According to many psychologists, when people cheat once, they are more likely to cheat again. It might seem impossible to avoid dating cheats, but the best tool against this behavior is awareness about what makes somebody cheat and a conscious effort not to get involved with such people in the first place.
6. He doesn’t text you back
One great way to tell if your boyfriend won’t cheat on you is by paying attention to his texting habits. If he doesn’t text or call you back as soon as possible, then this might be a sign of infidelity in the future. Men do this because they are too distracted, and/or there might already be somebody else that they’re interested in.
7 . He has lots of male friends
If your man has lots of male friends and no female ones, then it’s likely that he will cheat when faced with the right temptation. Men who have close friendships with other males (particularly those of the same age) are more likely to cheat than those who don’t have these types of friendships at all.
8 . He is a narcissist
A man who has narcissistic traits is more likely to cheat than those who don’t have any signs of this disorder. This means that if you or your boyfriend exhibits many of these behaviors, then there’s a high probability he will cheat on you soon: Denial and lack of responsibility is a sign of grandiose thinking and entitlement, which is very common among people with NPD. A man like this will not take responsibility for his actions because he believes them to be perfect in every way. People with this sense of self often lack empathy and are unwilling to acknowledge they have hurt somebody else by cheating on them. If your partner lacks empathy or shows no concern about.
9. He sees his ex regularly
If he is constantly hanging out with an ex, then he gets suspicious. Even if it’s just dinner, you should realize that things will never be the same between the two of you.
10.He suddenly loves to go out more.
This is another way to express himself and possibly meet other girls. You need to stay strong and keep your boyfriends attention locked onto your relationship.
11. He no longer wants sex!
This could be one of those signs that tell me in my mind that cheating will occur in the future, so make sure that your girlfriends all pay attention to this one too! A guy who doesn’t want sex anymore might not be interested in sleeping with anyone but himself.
12. He’ll ‘want’ you in a material sense
Remember, he’s been with other women before you, and if he’s already got the cheating habit in him, it’s only set to worsen. The idea of having multiple girls all at one never leaves his head because that is how men are wired; we have sexual desires, which makes us think about sex more often than we’d care to admit.
13. He doesn’t behave normally anymore
If your boyfriend is acting strange; for instance, if he is constantly canceling dates with you or seems very distant from you, when usually he is not like that at all, it could be that there are other women involved whom he does not want to hurt by distancing himself from them. Also, his attitude has changed towards you as well or his friends.
14 . His eyes wander
If he’s always looking around and checking other girls out, he may have an eye for adultery. If you see him doing this regularly, it’s time to leave before that infidelity can bloom into a full-fledged affair.
15 . Friends who cheat are likely cheaters themselves
If his friends always complain about their relationships and flaunt their single status, your man will likely be next to jump ship himself once the opportunity arises. The bad news is that men don’t like to cheat alone, so his friends may join him if he does decide to fit the bill.
16. He gets defensive rather than apologetic when you confront him about a wandering eye
If he gets angry and yells at you for pointing out that he’s been looking at girls, it’s likely because deep down inside, he knows it’s true. It takes a man who is secure in his skin to accept blame or fault and be genuinely sorry for doing wrong. If your boyfriend thinks everything is always your fault, even when it isn’t, then the chances are that cheater label will eventually become an accurate description of him as well.
17. He lets loose with dangerous behavior like drinking too much
Drinking excessively makes men vulnerable. Drunken stupors are not conducive to moral decision-making, so he may take advantage of this fact and hit on other girls after a long night at the bar. If you’re afraid, your man will cheat, refusing to allow him to drink around you is one way to help ensure that he doesn’t cross the line.
It is important to understand the signs he will cheat in the future. You may not be able to stop him if he decides to have a one-night stand with someone else, but there are some things that you could do to discourage him from cheating again. What to do if your boyfriend cheats on you? One of these methods would be installing monitoring software on his phone or computer so that you can track what he does online when away from home. While this might seem like spying at first glance, it’s just gathering evidence about whether or not your suspicions are true – which is something every person has a right to know. Knowing what signs he will cheat in the future may help you avoid a potential heartbreak down the line. Remember, if someone cheats once, they are more likely to do it again! This way, you can better protect yourself from an unfaithful partner and save your relationship before it’s too late.
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