So you and your cohabiting partner have decided that it’s time to get married. That’s great! And now all of the questions start flowing in: What kind of ceremony are we going to have? Where should we go on our honeymoon? And what exactly am I supposed to do with these wedding registry ideas?
You see, couples who live together often struggle when faced with wedding registry ideas because they feel like they already have everything that they need. In fact, they might not even want to add anything else to their home.
Plus, most people who live together only move into places where there is already everything they need. So how can a couple create a wedding registry when the space is so full? The answer lies in creating a wedding registry that focuses on experiences rather than stuff.
Consider Experiences Instead Of Stuff
There are a couple of reasons why you should focus your wedding registry ideas on experiences instead of stuff. For starters, it’s easier to give experiences such as trips or classes because they don’t take up any physical space in the home.
And if the honeymoon is covered by spending money, these gifts can often be much more personal and relevant to what each partner likes. Plus, modern couples already have most things they need, so having new items that will just clutter up the space isn’t appealing.
What kind of experiences make good wedding registry ideas? Here are some great ideas from young couples who have been there:
A Spa Day/Couple’s Massage
The day of pampering that you get from a spa day is perfect for any couple who wants to feel relaxed but doesn’t necessarily want to travel. Plus, a massage is something that can be done without leaving the home. Even if it’s just a gift certificate to their favorite local spa, your partner will appreciate the effort you went through to personalize it for them.
A Paid Class Registration
If they are crafty and like doing activities together consider buying a class as a wedding registry idea. Pottery painting or candle making classes are great alternatives to traditional gifts because these experiences allow couples not only to share new skills but also create some unique items together. If one of you enjoys cooking and the other baking, a cooking class that culminates in a meal is another great alternative to material items.
A Homebrew Kit
If your partner is into home-brewing or if you’re both trying to cut back on spending money at bars, then getting each other homebrew kits makes it a unique wedding registry idea for couples living together. Brewing beer at home is fairly simple and can save you some cash while giving you a fun project to work on together.
Dinner Party Supplies
A set of dinner plates or even just tablecloths make for wonderful gifts because these are items that most people don’t get around to buying until they move into their first house. For those who enjoy hosting parties or dinners with friends when they do buy a place, these small items can make the experience much more pleasant.
You don’t have to be good at cooking to throw a fun dinner party and your partner will really appreciate these wedding registry ideas for couples living together.
A New Hobby
There are so many hobbies that people enjoy but never go through the effort of pursuing because they don’t have what they need. For example, think about knitting or biking; even buying gear for something like climbing can be an amazing wedding registry idea. It gives that person everything they need to actually start doing the activity. It also allows them to practice and get better at it without having to pay out of pocket.
Make sure that you keep in mind any specific interests or hobbies that your partner mentioned. It’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of wedding planning, but it’s important that you make choices that are thoughtful and meaningful for your partner.
So if your partner mentions that they’d really like to cook more often or that they’ve always wanted a set of fancy cooking knives, then considering these kinds of experiences over material items will be much more appreciated down the line.
A Movie Ticket
Even something as simple as an evening at the movies can be a great option because not only does it give them some time together doing something fun and relaxing, but also new experiences like going out to dinner or seeing a movie can be really special because people don’t do them every day.
A Toaster Oven
This is an excellent present if you want something practical but still fun! Everyone needs a good toaster oven, especially if they spend most of their time at home. They will love how thoughtful this gift is and appreciate that the toaster oven has been chosen with their cooking habits in mind. However, ensure it isn’t too expensive, or else you might have a few problems on your hands.
Think About Giving Money
Certainly this is one of the easiest wedding registry ideas that you can provide, but giving an envelope filled with cash towards a trip or other experience is not going to be viewed as a thoughtful gift. One of the ways to get around this problem is by making your choice for wedding registry ideas more personal.
For example, if you know that your partner has always wanted to go skydiving and can’t quite pull together enough money on their own, consider adding some money into an envelope marked “Skydiving Fund” to make it feel less like a direct deposit and more like a well-thought-out gift.
You could even attach some additional notes telling them where they need to go and when in order for you both to do it together. The key is to take a little time and put some effort into making your cash gift feel thoughtful.
A Pajama Set
Again, this present is practical but fun! Pajama sets are great because they’re something that everyone needs but no one likes to spend money on. This is a great gift idea if you’re looking for something that the couple will actually get use out of! If you want to make the present even more special, you can pick out pajamas with matching messages too.
A Home Movie Projector
This gift is perfect for couples who love spending cozy nights in watching movies together! Movie projectors are expensive, which works just perfectly as a wedding registry idea. They couple won’t have spent any money on it, and probably didn’t even consider getting one, and will be thrilled to unwrap this thoughtful present. Plus, they’ll think of you every time they use it, what more could you want?
Food Is Always a Good Option
Okay okay, so this might seem a little elementary, but food is always an excellent wedding registry idea. Everyone loves to eat and cooking is something that so many people love to do in their free time!
If your friends and family members are not the least bit creative themselves, a $10-$20 Dixie cup of chili or bread mix from Williams-Sonoma can make for the perfect gift. And if they are more into making meals than buying them, you can get recipe boxes with all of their favorite recipes pre-printed on cards inside, so cute!
A Personalized Cutting Board
This gift is perfect for couples who love to spend time in the kitchen together and enjoy cooking! Cutting boards are one of those things that often get forgotten about, which makes now as good a time as any to buy one.
To make it even more special, you can choose from different designs so each person can have their own, maybe one side is plain wood while the other has a personalized message? The couple will love this thoughtful touch that shows how much thought you’ve put into your gift.
The Registry Is For You
The beautiful thing about wedding registries is that it gives you ideas about what you want your life together to look like. It can be as unique and specific as you would like it to be, so have fun and make this time for yourself!
Consider asking the following questions:
• What are some things that normally get pushed to the back burner because of our busy schedules?
• Would either of us ever take a cooking or language class on our own?
• What would be a unique experience that we’ve never done together before?
If you’re able to answer these kinds of questions, then it will become much easier for you to come up with wedding registry ideas for couples living together that will not only make your partner happy but also create memories that last a lifetime!
Final Thoughts
So there you have it! Top wedding registry ideas for couples living together that won’t break the bank but will show just how much thought and effort you put into buying them a gift.
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this article about our favorite wedding registry ideas for couples living together!
We wish you the best of luck in making this dream come true as soon as possible, and please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or concerns about these registry ideas.
What do you think?