Cancer women display two different reactions when they are hurt. Some women will lash out at you when you do something wrong to them, and others prefer going silent when wronged. So, it is up to you to master how your cancer woman reacts to hurtful situations so you can know how to handle her. Well, I bet the next question you will ask is if cancer women are forgiving? The answer is yes; a cancer woman will forgive you if you put in the right effort.
This means that you have to come forth with honesty and show the behaviors of a changed person. She may forgive you initially but trust me; she will keep taps on you to ensure you keep your word. Here are great tips on how to get a cancer woman to forgive you.
This is the first step to take if you have wronged any person. An honest apology opens doors to a mutual conversation, and your woman would lead an ear to what you have to say. Even if it appears to be a petty issue that caused a drift or fight with your cancer woman, the last thing you need to start doing is to justify your behavior. Let her know you understand you hurt her and you are sorry about it.
Note that you can apologize to her through a phone call, text her or invite her for a date so you can talk things over. As you apologize to her, make sure the apology is brief and straight to the point. Only further explain your actions if she asks for a reason as to why you did what you did.
Allow her to express her feelings
The first step to mending your relationship with a cancer woman is by allowing her to express her feelings. This is mainly crucial if you are dealing with a woman who lashes out when hurt. This is her way of dealing with the hurt, and it is a good start to healing. Let her express her anger as you listen to her.
Do not force her to block in her emotions, as this may bring more harm than good. It would help if you made sure that both of you are in a position where you can talk things over, and she will be willing to listen to your side of the story.
Be honest
Do not sugarcoat the issue that hurt your cancer woman, as this may even make the problems worse. Cancer women easily detect when people lie to them, and this will further damage your relationship. So, be honest about your feelings towards her and in general conversations as well.
Be emotionally open
Cancer women are loving and believe a good relationship is built on honesty. So, if you want to win her forgiveness and bring her back to your life, you need to open it as you talk or relate with her henceforth. This mainly involves your emotional openness. If you love her, then you need to remind her of your love for her regularly. Let her know how you feel about her and feel about your relationship moving on.
One of the things to avoid is emotional manipulation to earn her forgiveness or win her back. Some cancer women may forgive you immediately, and others may require more time to process your relationship before giving you feedback. Therefore, if your woman asks for time, do not manipulate her into making the hasty decision of forgiving you or coming back to you.
Buy her gifts
Women loved being showered with gifts by men who love them. Well, you are not necessarily buying your cancer woman gifts to buy her forgiveness but rather to appreciate and show her how much you love and adore her. No one is perfect, and once you acknowledge your mistake, the next step to take is to ensure your woman sees the good side of you and forgives you. So, if you are used to buying her gifts, do not stop that just because you have a misunderstanding.
You need to continually make sure that she feels appreciated and your presence at all times. You can buy her favorite flowers and have them delivered if she still doesn’t want to see you. Buy her gifts with beautiful messages that uplift her spirits and make her feel specials.
Give her peace of mind
When making a serious life decision, such as forgiving someone who has hugely hurt us, we always require time to reflect on what we have been through with the person. Well, this is quite common with cancer women. They are pretty articulate when making life decisions and always ensure to take time before making a decision. So, do not pressure her into forgiving you or even taking you back.
You need to ensure that she is in a peaceful environment to make the right decisions regarding the situation. Some of the things to avoid are; forcing her to engage in conversations or activities she does not want. Pressuring her to forgive you and take you back mainly when she asks for more time.
Please support her
This is an excellent time to show the cancer woman that you still got her back and support her fully for what she does in her life. Therefore, if she has goals or dreams she is working to achieve, let her know that you will always be on her side. If she has a business that she is planning to open, give her ideas or financial help. Be present during her good and bad times to show her support and care.
All these will allow her to open up and understand how much you care for her. A tip to apply when offering support to your cancer woman is to make sure to do it genuinely. Even if you have taken a break from your relationship, do not support her in a manipulative way. Support or help her because you want to see her succeed and prosper. Yes, you need her to forgive and take you back, but you should allow her to make that decision independently.
Work hard to resolve the issue and make amend
Buying your cancer woman gifts and supporting her in her goals is not enough to trigger her to forgive you. You need to take drastic actions to prove that you are changed and worth her forgiveness to the cancer woman. For example, if you cheated with your ex-girlfriend, you need to verify that this will not happen again in the future.
Cut all ties and communication with your ex. You can also suggest you move to a new place so you can start afresh. If you have a drinking problem that causes you to fight, you need to seek help to curb your drinking addiction. For example, you can enroll in rehab for treatment. Such measures are significant to prove that you are putting in the effort to change.
Give her space
If your cancer woman wants to have some space if you have had a misunderstanding, take it as an opportunity for self-reflection. You have been through a lot and need time to reflect on what you did and what you can do to better yourself as an individual or even in relationships. So, take time off, take a short trip or focus on your work.
Stop nagging her with calls or text messages in case she does not want to talk to you. You can leave her a message to know how she is doing and remind her that you still love and care for her. Take this time to figure out what you can do to make your relationship work and better once your woman forgives you.
Bring back good old memories
Sometimes people tend to relax in a relationship and neglect doing the things they used to do when they started dating. I believe bringing back good old memories can do wonders in connecting two people who are drifting apart and can play a role in forgiveness.
So, remind your cancer woman of the great times you had together. Send her pictures of the places you visited together and maybe tell her that you miss traveling with her. Send her those funny videos you used to create together when you get bored in the house. Old good memories can play a role in mending a broken relationship.
Winning forgiveness from cancer women is not a walk in the park, considering they react differently to situations. But, if you love and don’t want to lose her, there is nothing to lose trying to win her forgiveness, right! The above tips will guide and help you in getting a cancer woman to forgive you.
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