Nowadays, cheating in a relationship has become an effortless act in most relationships, with many upping their game to the next level. There is much reason that makes someone cheat in a relationship with reasons which can either be justified or unjustified, which it is still wrong to cheat in a relationship. Cheating can cause a lot of harm when the situation moves out of hand due to the emotions and physical attachments involved. Hence, most of the people involved in the chemistry break up due to failure of noticing and confronting the situation at hand. Cheating is a general term that involves physical, communication and emotional control of an individual; it would be easier to notice if you keenly observed your partner behaviour. The signs below will help you know if your boyfriend is cheating on you. They include:
Physical behaviour
Physical behaviour can manifest a lot of signs that can unmask if he is cheating on you. Man’s physical behaviour tends to be at its peak when lovers are still young in the relationship. Hence, every individual will do their best to impress their lover, and most of the time, this done intentionally to boost self-esteem. The physical behaviour can either mask or portray the true nature of the man you are in a relationship with, and this is where we most go wrong over the physical impression. However, if your boyfriend cheats, you will easily spot the following physical behaviour.
• Changing the wardrobe
Changing wardrobe is significant due to the transition of the fashion and design and maybe secondary body growth. These are the innocent reason you should not panic about your man’s faithfulness and loyalty to you. However, changing your wardrobe with outfits that you have never seen or distastes should activating your antennae. This is because men tend to be comfortable and secure with whom they are in a stable relationship, giving them nothing to prove to the outsiders. However, if he finds a lady with whom he wants to share chemistry secretly, they will tend to impress them by buying changing or act under the influence to impress their secret lover{s} and self-esteem.
• Taking a shower immediately, they step into the house.
Since every individual has a unique body smell, it is straightforward to master your partner’s distinctive scent, be it sweat or perfumes they are used to. Thus, if we keep spending more time with someone or our body comes into contact for a prolonged period, we exchange body fluids that would make the other person smell like them. Therefore, if your man tends to shower when they step inside the house, you should be vigilant.
Showering cleanses off the body fluids exchanged during contact, which is like getting rid of the evidence. Such behaviour is a clear indication that he is cheating because of insecurity and avoiding getting caught. However, it would help not jump to the conclusion because it depends on his body hygiene or shower routine. If the reason is not satisfying to your intuition, it is significant to give him the benefit of the doubt because chances are slim to repeat itself regularly or continuously.
• Trying new sexual position or technique.
Our mind tends to employ new ideas and methods to improve the situation to achieve more incredible things. However, what if you are going to bed with the mentality that you physical master his regular sexual drive, energy and position, but out blues, the position is reinvented with high or marathon sexual drive? What would you conclude?
This is a clear indication that your boyfriend is involved in a clandestine relationship because he will tend to try to engage you in a new foreplay and sex position technique that he might have learned outside or introduced by the new partner. Besides, that since couples have unique sexual position and sexual drive that they are familiar with, it would be easier to notice the changes from him because sexual drive varies from women to women. Having sex with different women automatically changes the sexual clock and energy of a man who can either increase or decrease their sexual drive. Moreover, if he is disinterested in making love to you or claims to be tired most of the time when you inquire for conjugal rights, it is also a sign of your relationship facing its worse moments.
Communication is the foundation, beginning and the key to every successful relationship because it is the medium of transferring our physical and emotional needs. Thus with poor communication between the couple involved, the relationship cannot go further. Through communication, the following sign would help you unmask him. They include:
• He is too much attentive to you and your needs
Cheating is like chess being unpredictable about your next move and hiding your true intentions, which we will categorize under communication. This is because it means passing or expressing your emotions and how much you care for someone through deeds and attention. Therefore, you should be very careful when your man goes out of the routine you are fond of him. It will help if you put an exclamation or a question mark at the end of it.
For instance, if he is over-attentive, actively engaged in helping you with the house chores and spoiling you with gifts, it a clear indication there is a loophole in your relationship. These qualities of behaviour are natural and inborn in men, but they are not always active due to the circumstance and kind of relationship both of you share. Hence, if they become active, know that he is guilty, but the romantic and kind deeds mask cheating and divert your attention. In short, you are being played psychologically and emotionally by your man.
• Explanation and answers to what you inquire about do not add up
Most of the time, if you are caught red-handed, you fumble not because of guilt but because you lack an explanation to justify your deeds. But have you witnessed someone in the act, but the reason they offer upon inquiry does not add up until you end up not following up further because you had no idea what happened before showing up? If it often happens when you seek an explanation or clarification about their deeds and their answers do not add up or make sense. It is a clear indication your worries and the relationship is being cemented with lies to restore your security instincts and trust.
• Postponing conversation
As aforementioned earlier, communication is means of sharing our thoughts to achieve the same goal. Therefore, problems facing relationships are only solvable if the partner comes together, keenly listening to every individual’s thoughts and ideas and engaging them directly. A relationship should work towards achieving the goals you had planned for the relationship and the future. However, if you want to share with him or discuss pending or matters at hand and he keeps on postponing the conversation for the other day with an excuse of being tired, work stress or sickness, my friend. Then it is high time to work on it ASAP before it goes out of control. Dodging tough conversation is a sign that he does not value the relationship and its future. Therefore you should check that from time to time instead of assuming and going further to solve it by yourself. This is because a relationship is two-way traffic.
Emotional behaviour
Our emotional satisfaction is what we primarily devote our time and resources to. Emotional satisfaction comes in through chemistry connection and understanding, which goes a long way with kind words and deeds. However, if the chemistry and understanding are amiss between you and your boyfriend, he will likely portray the following signs:
• Being Conclusive and irrational out of a simple inquiry
Suppose you find yourself heated in an argument over a simple question to inquire about his whereabouts during the day or a simple text sign of a red flag that he might be cheating on you. Since asking is the best way of seeking answers without concluding or prejudicing him, it significantly helps you solve your thoughts about him. But if it becomes irrational and twists the subject, you to be guilty, my friend, you are wasting your time. This is because an innocent person will not hide his intentions or flare up when a lover seeks an explanation that does not add up. Therefore, changing you to be the subject of accusation is the way to abuse and manipulate you emotionally and if he is that type, “run baby run”.
• Using abusive/ hurting language
Respect is the key to every successful relationship, automatically putting your language into alignment when talking to your loved ones. Kind words warm the heart and vitalize our whole being to face life challenges because everyone is responsible for accomplishing. Hence, kind words go a long way to show how much you care for your partner, strengthening the bond in a relationship. What if his comments are abusive, vulgar and inconsiderable to your feelings despite repeatedly apologizing for his mistakes? Would you let the snake bit you twice? No, this is because he does not care whether you are emotional happy or satisfied.
• Being uncomfortable being in the same Space
Guilt can make anyone feel uncomfortable being closer to you or in the same space. There are certain behaviours you should not ignore, instead pay your maximum attention to your partner. This is because of the guilt they are trying to hide from you, which eventually make them emotionally uncomfortable being around. Discomforts can make your boyfriend do the following things:
-Be controlling over or dominate the conversation without giving you a chance to ask questions for clarity instead of letting the whole conversation flow naturally.
-Changing his phone passwords, installing secret and invisible security apps and having two phones.
-Moving out to pick the phone away from you with an excuse from a job or family issue that does not concern your peace.
-To laugh even at things that do make sense or worth laughing about while making conversation. Mostly this is done to emotionally lie to you that their attention is focused on you.
-He will probably start to cancel going out with his friends routinely as you were used depending on the periodic intervals you two used to have.
-They no longer share your photos with him on his social media account. If you see the photos you shared are deleted, and he no longer tags you along, my dear staring making double strides to save yourself from torturing yourself emotionally.
Knowing where your relationship is leading or transitioning is vital because we invest our time and resources caring for those with whom we want to build our future. Therefore, before jumping to any relationship, it is good to take time to know who we are involved with before we start sobbing for your broken heart. A good relationship is built on first loving yourself, understanding who and what you are towards your emotions and needs. Hence, you will be able to get a man who will go with your flaws as a human.
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