When you are in a relationship, it’s easy to lose sight of whether or not you should break up with your partner. You may find yourself questioning the quality of the relationship and if they are giving you what you want out of life. The good news is that breaking up doesn’t have to be a painful process. However, the bad news is it can feel like the end of your world if you aren’t careful about how you go about doing it?
But how do you know when it might be time for a breakup? This post is here to answer this question; it has an informative list that will help guide your decision.
9 Signs It’s Time to Breakup
The cycle of dating is an intense one. With the high highs and low lows, it’s hard to know when your relationship should end. Here are the signs to tell you it’s time to break things apart.
#1. You are not having fun anymore
Yes, relationships need to work. But the key is that they should also make you happy and bring joy into your life. If this isn’t happening or it has been a long time since things have felt good between you two, then chances are what you’re feeling now will only worsen if you stay together for much longer.
No one wants to be in a relationship where they’re miserable. It’s not worth it, and it is better for both of you if things end now as opposed to dragging on until the point that resentment sets into your heart. If things feel like they are going this way, don’t stay together because there is no benefit or reward from staying longer than necessary with someone who doesn’t make you happy anymore.
#2. You don’t trust each other
Are you starting to feel like your partner may be lying or hiding something from you? Do they make promises but never seem to follow through? Have suspicions been raised in the past about cheating, and now, with time going on, those feelings are only growing stronger within yourself? If so, then it’s probably best that things end between both of you.
Everyone deserves a relationship where they can truly rely on their significant other. When this sense of security is missing from a connection, there isn’t much point in staying together anymore when it’s clear one person doesn’t have faith in the other to keep their word and step up for them whenever needed. It’s better if two people go separate ways instead of having to spend the rest of their days together in a relationship that’s based on mistrust.
#3. You want different things from life
This is a big one. All relationships have to face challenges, but if the two of you have completely different goals and aspirations outside of your relationship, it will be harder for both of you to find happiness with each other rather than apart on your own. This doesn’t mean that these differences are necessarily bigger or more important than everything else regarding being together. Still, they will certainly come up during a long-term connection which could pose problems down the road.
It’s better for everyone involved if two people who want very different things don’t try and force themselves into a serious romantic commitment when there isn’t much good that comes out from doing so. If not having enough in common is a reason for you to break up, then it’s probably best if the two of you part ways sooner rather than later.
#4. You know you’re not the only one
Being in a relationship doesn’t mean that both people need to be exclusive with each other. However, if your partner is seeing someone else behind your back, then it’s time for things to end between the two of you because they don’t care about making something serious work out between them and their significant other (i.e., you). It takes an awful lot for this kind of behavior to happen at all, but when it does, there isn’t much point in trying anymore since what you deserve is finding someone who would never act like this towards anyone regardless if they were single or attached.
It can hurt knowing that you’ve been deceived by someone special into thinking everything was fine while another person has been a part of their life, but it’s better to find out sooner rather than later that this is how someone feels about you. If you two don’t have strong enough feelings for one another and the trust has been broken between each other, then it isn’t worth trying to salvage things because there will always be lingering thoughts in the back of your mind over what happened before when they should’ve been completely devoted into making something work with just you from day one.
#5. You don’t have enough in common
Having a long history with each other is not at all necessary for two people to be together. However, it can make things easier when shared experiences between the both of you that bond your connection and keep bringing you closer over time. Yet this isn’t always possible or realistic, which means sometimes couples will find themselves having little to nothing in terms of what they connect on besides their love for one another.
When this happens, it’s important to end things if it’s clear neither person wants to put any effort into finding new hobbies or activities where they could share meaningful moments without constantly needing the presence of someone else around them (i.e., friends/family). This might seem harsh because being apart doesn’t automatically mean they won’t find someone else who has the same interests, but it’s better to be single than staying together with someone when there will always be this distance between you.
#6. They’re a bad influence
It’s not always easy to predict how someone will turn out in the future because you don’t know what kind of people have been influencing them for most of their life. This isn’t an excuse to break up with someone who has never done anything wrong, but it is something to keep in mind when thinking about whether or not they are good for your wellbeing and mental health long-term.
In other words, if you’ve grown apart from each other over time because one person doesn’t want to go down the same path as another, then its probably best that they stay where they feel there won’t be any resistance towards making healthier lifestyle changes (i.e., exercising regularly; eating better; etc.).
#7. They’re not ready to commit
Being in a long-term relationship doesn’t mean that both people need to be together forever. However, suppose your partner is still holding onto the idea of them needing time to figure things out with their life before committing themselves fully into another serious relationship. In that case, it’s likely for this kind of behavior towards you or anyone else they might’ve been involved with previously (i.e., exes).
It takes an awful lot for someone who has made up their mind about wanting someone special enough to start sharing all parts of themselves without any hesitation over where this could lead down the line. Still, when there are constant thoughts and doubts regarding what will happen next, it isn’t worth staying around just because you want things to work out (i.e., marriage; children).
#8. You don’t have a future together
When two people are dating, there’s always this underlying feeling that they could potentially end up being the rest of each other’s lives if things work out between them. Yet, when you know deep down in your heart and soul that this isn’t going to happen because one person either doesn’t want it badly enough or isn’t on the same page as their partner, then its best to let go sooner rather than later before more pain is inflicted onto both parties involved (i.e., breakup).
It can be easy for someone who another lover has hurt to do everything possible to make something work even if it seems impossible from day one. Still, these efforts will eventually become exhausting and even depressing if they can’t see a future with their partner together. This is why it’s best to end things before either of you reaches this point because no one deserves that suffering in the long term (i.e., depression; loneliness).
#9. They’re a narcissist
It’s easy to get addicted to someone else because of the feelings they have been able to stir deep inside your heart and soul, but if you’ve noticed that certain parts of their personality are causing more harm than good, then it might be time for them to go.
In other words, if there is no way for you two to work out any issues together even when going through therapy or trying different approaches towards getting along better with each other while learning how not to take things too personally (i.e., boundaries), then one person should end this relationship before becoming another target in a narcissist’s self-serving arsenal against humanity at large.
What makes these people so difficult isn’t just what they do to the person they are in a relationship with, but how their behavior can make them treat others without any guilt or remorse afterward. This is why it’s best to break up sooner rather than later because no one deserves that kind of treatment from another human being (i.e., physical abuse; emotional abuse).
Breaking up can be hard but sometimes necessary. So if you are thinking about breaking up with someone, make sure to consider the steps above! When it comes down to it, listen to what your heart has been saying this whole time. If something doesn’t feel right anymore or you aren’t happy, then breakups might not always have a negative connotation after all. You could end up freeing yourself from something that was only holding you back in life! Good luck!
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