Aries men are energetic and love indulging in activities that excite them and the people around them. This also extends to their love life. An Aries man will love you wholeheartedly and not be afraid to show your affection in private and public. Their expressive behavior when in love makes it easy for their partner to know their mood. Therefore, it is pretty easy to understand when an Aries man grows distant and begins to ignore you.
Why would an Aries man stop talking to you?
He does not want to fight with you
Aries men are quite explosive, especially when it comes to an argument with other people. So, to avoid such explosive moments with you and fear of hurting you or him in the process, he may stop talking to you and even ignore you. He would rather keep those emotions to him than have a massive argument with you.
You may notice he is not replying to your messages as before, or his feedbacks is not engaging. He may fail to pick your calls or give excuses for not calling back, picking your calls. If you plan for dates, he may decline and give excuses as to why he cannot go on a date with you. All these are signs that he doesn’t want to be near you.
He is not okay
By not being okay, we mean he is going through some challenges mentally and emotionally. Aries men are givers and only want to see their partners and people around them happy. So, if he is going through a situation that may drag you to the problem, he may shut down and avoid you as a way of safeguarding you.
Besides, Aries men are known to be independent, and they prefer fixing their problems on their own without involving other people. In such scenarios, you need to be cautious when approaching your Aries man to know the situation. You need to make sure he is comfortable and feels secure to open up and tell you what He is going through.
He is done
Once an Aries man gets to his edge, then you will know by how he treats you. He will stop talking to you because he does not see the point of talking to you. Yes, he may explain why he is not talking to you if you ask, but if he feels your relationship is beyond repair and he wants out, he will not turn back. In some cases, if you nag him to reconcile with you, he may end up blocking you so you can leave him alone.
He is busy
Men are not good at multitasking, and when it comes to Aries men, they are entirely invested in their goals and visions. If Aries men are working on a project, they put full attention to avoid anyone or anything that may distract them. In such a case, you need to understand him and don’t take such behavior too personally. You need to understand him and support him in achieving his goals.
So, what do you do when an Aries man stops talking to you?
Ask for answers
If you have had a good relationship with open communication, it is only fair to know why the sudden change occurred. Considering the Aries men are explosive and quite confronting when wronged, he may find ignorance mode as the only way to avoid confrontation with you. However, you should know your man and how to approach him when he gets to such moments. Therefore, come to him peacefully and get to know why he is ignoring you.
There are so many things that may cause your Aries man to avoid you apart from the related case. He may be going through depression, and he does not know how to put up a happy face around you, or he does not want to burden you with his problems. Therefore, let him open up to you so you can find ways of solving the issue. If it is something, you did to him, apologize and explain why you did what you did. If it is an internal issue he is going through, offer him your help and assure him you will not leave him, and you are there to support and help him at all times.
Check on him
Just because he is no longer talking to you does not mean you should do the same or stop caring about him. He may be avoiding conversations with you as he thinks of a way to approach the situation that both of you are going through. Well, as his woman, you need to prove to him that you still care and worry about his wellbeing.
Therefore, once in a while, check up on him to know if he is doing okay. Keep in mind that you don’t necessarily need to call his cellphone; if he does not pick, instead send him a message. Don’t keep on blowing his phone with calls, as this may agitate him and end up blocking you entirely.
Give him space
Aries men love attention and affection from their loved ones. But just like any other person, they also enjoy some time to themselves. If he is not talking to you, you may think of giving him some space so he can figure out whatever he is going through. This may depend on why he is ignoring you. For example, if you did something that hurt him, give him space to digest your relationship and find a space in his heart to forgive you.
If he is going through some difficulties or mental health issues, give him some space but still check on him to make sure he is doing well. Just because you are not together as much as you used to be, does not mean all love is lost. Besides that, once an Aries man moves on from a situation weighing him down and he even forgives you, he will for sure look for you.
Get busy with yourself
As your man works on his dreams or his wellbeing, you also need to work on yourself. So, work on your goals and objectives. Did you want to go back to school, travel to a new place, or look for a new job? Take this as a motivation to get what you always wanted. Go out there, enjoy yourself, work on those goals and focus on yourself too.
If you have not entirely broken up with your Aries man, rest assured he will come to find you once he is ready and well. But him not talking to you should not hold you back; instead, it should motivate you to improve your life.
Move on
This is a recommendable tip to apply if your Aries man doesn’t want you in his life. It may hurt at first, and it may take long before you can get over him. But it would help if you worked on your health and happiness as well. So, if your Aries man is done with you, it is time that you consider dating again.
He was not yours, and you will find someone who will love you forever out there. So, work on yourself, polish your look and meet new people. Go out with friends, take pictures, post them on social media, and live your life to the fullest.
Ignore him too
“Tit for tat is a fair game, right! Well, an Aries man may find it an innocent behavior when he ignores you, but if he genuinely loves you, he cannot take it when you ignore and stop talking to him. If you are tired of being the only one to check up on him, then you need to draw the line as well.
If he does not want to have a communication with you, then let him be. Ignoring him will send a clear message that you are tired, and if he still loves you, he will come back.
Aries men love and treat their queens well. But when Aries men are going through personal issues or fall out of love, you may notice that he is ignoring communication with you and may stop altogether talking to you. This article provides information on why an Aries man may stop talking to you and what you ought to do when an Aries man stops talking to you.
The bottom line is, do not lose yourself in the process where you fall out with your Aries man. If he needs your support, be there for him, but if he is done with your relationship, find a way to dust yourself and move on.
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