
How to know when a relationship is toxic

Relationships bring a sense of belonging and companionship to the partners involved. If you were to ask any couple, they tell you that it is never as straightforward as it seems. A relationship can take a turn for the worst, either gradually with visible signs or abrupt with no manner of noticing it before it’s too late. Young relationships tend to be less plagued by toxic traits because the more you get to know someone, the more you notice the things you like and dislike about them. Signs of a toxic relationship • Violence Violence could be any commotion between…

How to ask if everything is ok in a relationship?

People have a misconception about long-term relationships denoting that couples should be happy all the time of dating or marriage. However, this statement is unrealistic since life is pretty lengthy, and lovers might hit rough patches that take a toll on their happiness. When you realize your partner is sad, it feels like it’s the end of the world or the bond you have is about to break. To get to the root of the issue, you have to request some information from your loved one. Communication is vital to keep an ongoing relationship strong. There are moments when couples…

How to ask a guy to come over to your house

To approach a person you are interested in and to make the first move is somewhat overwhelming. Particularly, if you have self-esteem issues, For which the process can be nerve-wracking. The fear of rejection plays a significant role in making someone feel this way, and approaching the opposite gender has been a job long left for the men to undertake. However, in this day and age, it is common for women to make the first move, and not only this but also do so in a manner to suggest they have been doing it longer than men. In as much…

How to Ask a Guy If He’s Serious About You

We all enter into a relationship hoping that the ones we are dating match our desires. For most women, the epitome of dating is having the relationship lead to marriage. However, tough to consume is the fact that we can barely tell what is in the mind of those we are dating. While some men are quite committed to a relationship hoping it gifts them with a wife, others are just out there enjoying the ride (read sexual intimacy) as long as it is available. Knowing how dedicated a guy is in a relationship might help you know whether you…

How to Ask Someone If They Are Single?

Sometimes, we meet people and get amazed by their looks and personality. Therefore, we develop this exciting feeling of asking them on a date or an opportunity to hang out. However, before doing that, it is crucial to know if your crush is available. It is tough to become interested in somebody while unsure if they are already in a relationship with someone else. If you do not ask about their relationship status, yet you are around them all the time, they might enjoy flirting with you, making you more attached. Hence, the sooner you know, the better; they can…

How to Talk To Your Boyfriend About Your Relationship

Communication is considered an important key that determines the success of a relationship. However, more often than not, it is easier said than done. Communication in relationships can be challenging, especially between partners with different personalities. Do you want to know how to talk to your boyfriend about your relationship? For a compelling talk with your boyfriend about your relationship, ensure that you are honest and pay attention to his non-verbal communication. Do not immediately assume that he agrees with you. Actively listen to him when it is his turn to speak. Also, make matters affecting your relationship a regular…